Author Topic: Prequel - buy one get one half off  (Read 33635 times)

did people seriously forget that much about this that they point fingers at it and scream "FURRRIESSSS"
it wasn't even a real issue in the old thread, which is especially confusing

How many furry characters have we even had so far in the comic?
Katia, Quill-Weave (I'm counting Scalies here), Rajirra and the barkeep?

Then we've had several humans, an orc, and a lot of elves.
I know the main character is a kitty, but even so... I think everyone just needs to spend more time looking at the mural.

the main charecter is cute, yes
but what the forget did you just post for an image, dood? thats just heugh

i remember reading this in 2013 and then getting bored of it because flash animations :(

Update yesterday.
ty for bumping my only regret is that I didn't see your post

so here's my formal update post

there's been an update!!

and new avatar too (it doesn't look so great, I might need to use something other than to resize it)
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 05:52:04 PM by Foxscotch »

You make a topic about a webcomic, the main character so happens to be anthro, and you get a heated argument about furries and games and ugh.
Never change forums.


this update comes with a FREE, that's right, you heard me, FREE, flash animation

yeah, I like homestu-


Nice! Was looking forward to this.

I am really loving bad at dodging those Fire Traps.
And it's a bit stuffty that you can hit one and just spend 30 seconds bouncing about between them, while he lays more of them down. :/

Certainly glad that isn't in the actual game!

There was an update thursday night (even though it says yesterday).

I didn't post it then hoping OP would do it instead.

edit: img'd
« Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 10:34:53 PM by dargereldren »

That was a pretty cool update. Hope we don't wait too long for the next one. We were getting a bit of momentum going, before Kaz started doing another interactive segment.

...this is still going?

...this is still going?
No, we're just discussing it for nostalgia's sake.

No, we're just discussing it for nostalgia's sake.

For all I know you could be.
Don't give me an attitude.

forget, I better leave before you forgets yell at me again.