Author Topic: Maxx - just shut up jfc  (Read 33853 times)

I know there was a drama about this rugrat last week, but I'm gonna nail him to a loving cross today because of his general starfish nature.
Quote from: Maxx in the "Rughugger's Girl, Growing Up!" topic
Hey! Thanks for the news update! We are really always wanting to know what is going on in all three of your american lives! Why thank you for posting about your child on a forum!
hahaha maxx you're totally right! forget that really respectable and mature adult! Seriously maxx, you've reached a new low. Rughugger has had topics about his daughter since 2011, long before you crawled into this community like a pre-mature baby. He didn't just create this topic to show off or get attention, he did it because it's been fun and interesting to read about. You act like you've never made anything for attention, and that Rughugger has been a previous offender of such. Here's an example:
my throat hurt like loving christ about 2 weeks ago at night
it was 3am and i already had taken like 20-25 halls menthol stuff
and it gave me a little woozy feeling like i was floaty and stuff
idk how but i came up with the idea of loving a bag
so i went downstairs, grabbed a jewel bag and began to start
it felt really weird but ok after about ten minutes it felt alright
20 minutes in my richard just hurt so bad
like it felt as if the muscle was terrifyingly painful
i went to bed, woke up and it was ok
wow maxx, you literally told us that in the middle of the night, you walked downstairs and forgeted a purse. What kind of responses are you expecting? of course everyone laughs and claps like a seal and makes artwork and videos, which then maxx loves because he's getting "friends"! no maxx, you literally forgeted a jewel bag making you look socially unstable. Rughugger made his topic because he forgeted his wife and made a child. You made that topic because you forgeted a bag and made a fool of yourself. nice work man

everyone is mostly an starfish to me all the time so being nice here isnt going to do me any good because im already through the floor
This quote is from yesterday on a topic about someone being sick. That statement is just asking for loving attention. You didn't have to say anything in the topic. Saying "congratulations" is being a loving handicap. You act as if this sickness was brought upon from bad karma or as if it was ironic. No, it's someone being loving sick and you acting like a dumbforget, trying to be a class clown. The statement at the bottom also implies you're being a huge richard about it, "so being nice here isn't going to do me any good".  Actually Maxx, being nice in that topic wouldn't have really done anything as you said, but being a total cigarette will just forget you.
loving finally that hes banned
hes annoying with his homophobic loveual stuff
FTFY, you were implying Tenshi was homophobic about being gay. Look who's not perfect anymore!

A lot of the stuff you do, whores attention as stated above. Another example:

You kept messaging people ARG stuff which personally I can't stand the sight of ARGs. Later on, he claims being "hacked".

Nice work Maxx, you've lost even more of your dignity and respect in the past 2 months.

had a laff 10/10

for real tho maxx is a blight on this forum. i have no faith that he'll ever stop being a richardwad
please just leave forever maxx. go forget a jewel bag

I'd definately agree with this drama, the first quote being the epitame (I hope I spelled that right) of hypocritical behavior.

Maxx, you already left once to Facepunch because people got tired of your stuff behavior.

Please leave again, and this time, don't come back.

I'd definately agree with this drama, the first quote being the epitame (I hope I spelled that right) of hypocritical behavior.

Maxx, you already left once to Facepunch because people got tired of your stuff behavior.

Please leave again, and this time, don't come back.
epitome fyi

maxx really needs to forget off and find a new hobby
being a cunt online and spending mommy's money on it is just handicapped

more of his stuff
1. bronies
2. furries except the kind that donT SPEW THEIR stuff EVERYWHERE
3. vegans because they loving talk about EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THEIR DIET ON THE INTERNET. IT MAKES ME SO loving ANGRY
4. sonic fanboys
5. people that troll someone then say you did it to get you banned
6. people that purposely try to get you in stuff
7. people that seriously start stuff
8. some people in my class that think facebook is hip and cool because its literally a loving joke
9. cancerous trolls that need to go burn in a fire and get their throat slit by a rusty knife
10. loving roblox's cancer community
11. loving ice bucket challenge because its so annoying, loving FIVE PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY CHALLENGED ME AND I SAY loving NO
12. stuffbags on garrys mod that think the game is kid friendly when its a mature game but half the community is forgeted
13. annoying starfishs on garrys mod asking for my loving duplications all the time
i have way more but my hands hurt so i'll post more later
15. loving fanboys, their loving EVERYWHERE

specifically number 11
what ever happened to his rabies?

so angsty. i like how in like half of those he sWITCHES TO CAPS LOCK MID SENTENCE BECAUSE HE'S SO ANGRY GRR!!!

why does his sentence need to descend into an all caps rage
he hates tumblr but he's got the loving attitude of it

more of his stuffspecifically number 11
what ever happened to his rabies?
idk I guess he just decided he didnt have it

why does his sentence need to descend into an all caps rage
he hates tumblr but he's got the loving attitude of it

Hypocritical behavior x2.

epitome fyi

Thank you, I appreciate the spell check. I'm usually uncertain about my spelling 90% of the time, and appreciate a second opinion.

Im not being sarcastic, I genuinely appreciate it.

hes a freelance poet, just take a look at his prose
i used to have dreams where i would be sitting down and a man in a hood holding a scythe.
he got closer and closer but he almost was at the point where i could touch his robe until i moved out of our house to our new home
that would be every dream
if i looked at him
he'd get mad
so what i would do is i would close my eyes in my dream and all of a sudden i would wake up
i never discussed this with my parents because it doesnt happen anymore
he should take his talents to tumblr

this thread is fantastic, couldn't agree more

Thank you, I appreciate the spell check. I'm usually uncertain about my spelling 90% of the time, and appreciate a second opinion.

Im not being sarcastic, I genuinely appreciate it.
Also, definately.

Here's a way to remember: if you spell definitely with an A, you're definitely an A-hole.

inb4 maxx makes yet another apology