oh stuff guysi got the achivement dat guyDat Guy - Player started a Clan War.
u fokn wotDo we REALLY have to go through this stuff again? I don't even have any DDOS viruses installed on people!
wonderful. i log on and all of my files are gone
mess this guy up:
takes 45 minutes to install a 10.0 minergod damnitviruses past 6.0 are useless due to how long it takes to install them with a maxed processor. Especially since the processor power doesn't stack with multiple servers.
viruses past 6.0 are useless due to how long it takes to install them with a maxed processor. Especially since the processor power doesn't stack with multiple servers.
Do you guys know any tier 3 missions? I want to know some their IPs so I still have a good cash-flow when I upgrade my cracker to 6.0 forget HAS AN 11.4 HASHER AND IS PROBABLY TRYING TO INSTALL IT! HE HAS NO OTHER HASHER! GET YOUR HANDS ON THIS 1.3 GB BEAST! THE BEAST'S NAME IS 420-BLaZ3-iT-friend.hash I will upload it to the clan server if I do successfully download it. I found the IP while using an N-MAP at the first international! <3He even has a 6.6 Anti-Virus! Don't you DARE DDOS him!