Author Topic: Working Guitars  (Read 25079 times) Nation Army on these... Nation Army on these...

99=9754, 99=975754

preferably on rhythm guitar

someone needs to do Maple Leaf Rag on this (by scott joplin) Nation Army on these...
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too bad you cant play it cause its only one set of keys

Also guys, I have the old guitar mod and whenever I click with Guitar lead, it makes old guitar sound, and if I right click it changes to the gutiar.

Why does this happen?

wait don't these need Support_Guitar to work or something

wait don't these need Support_Guitar to work or something
No, it's all packaged and set up in the download from the OP

the number binds aren't working? only the - and = buttons are working for me.
No binds are binded to the number keys either

No, it's all packaged and set up in the download from the OP

okay then

guys i do need an answer too
Also guys, I have the old guitar mod and whenever I click with Guitar lead, it makes old guitar sound, and if I right click it changes to the gutiar.

Why does this happen?

guys i do need an answer too

You're asking why an old outdated mod isn't working correctly? Hmmm, why don't we start by using some common sense...