Author Topic: What if someone say, "yes ma'am" or "sir ma'am"to you is male?  (Read 982 times)

considering i look a lot like a girl this has happened way too many times. they just apologize and move on

we had a substitute teacher a few days ago. i was talking to one of my buddies and he accidentally fell over and hit me in the face.

sub looked at my friend and yelled 'LEAVE THAT YOUNG WOMAN ALONE'


and i thought i was weird

5th grade: I hear this from behind me
"Are you a boy or a girl?"

*tugs at shirt collar & sweats nervously*
do you have something to tell us

I would think anyone was weird for saying "Sir ma'am." to anybody.

One time in elementary school I was in an advanced class that just had a few students and there were only two boys and some kid came by and said "I see 6 girls and...... 1 boy." and the other boy's hair was close cut so it was clear what was going on >:(

From what I can recall, I've been misconstrued as a female only 1 time.

in 4th grade, there was this new student that was immensely curious about his surroundings.
then he suddenly points to me and asks this other student that he knows a bit well:

"Why does she have that snack on her desk? Do we take it out?"

"Dude hes a boy"


its egregiously seldom that im interpreted as a girl because im actually really noticable to somebodies eyes being thought as a boy, but sometime at the end of the year I discovered that the new student was a bit blind and had the difficulty of seeing correctly.

Jesus, every thread Furling posts makes me die a little inside.