
How's 2015?

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Total Members Voted: 17

Author Topic: [NA PULSE'S ART THREAD]: Blissful silliness  (Read 48458 times)

Hey there nerds, my name is [NA Pulse] I spend my time doing art for fun and other shenanigans!

Have some examples of my art, so you can see what i' do.

1) Don't be a starfish to anyone else on this thread asides from OP. And aslong as your interest is to help me improve my crafts. I'm okay with how you tear my art apart

2) Have fun!


http://invalidatedbroadcast.deviantart.com/ Here is my Deviant art. I post most of my art here.

http://unlikelyflowergiver.tumblr.com/ Another art Blog! for other artsy things!

LAST NOTE/FINE PRINT: I'm pretty sure I don't need to say this. but i'm a transgender. male-female, I go by "she" or "her". If you are not okay with this. that's perfectly fine. call me whatever you want. it's your life and i'm not here to restrict how you view people.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 08:57:53 PM by [Na Pulse] »

always liked your lines na pulse, it's a unique style to me.

i might suggest, for the pictures you make of an entire figure standing, to check out human proportions (the whole 7-7.5 heads tall rules and such), since some of your characters are a looking a little short. only if that's what you're aiming for, though.

always liked your lines na pulse, it's a unique style to me.

i might suggest, for the pictures you make of an entire figure standing, to check out human proportions (the whole 7-7.5 heads tall rules and such), since some of your characters are a looking a little short. only if that's what you're aiming for, though.

That's pretty funny because I try to make them tall.
(Also if you're willing to give me random pictures of someone on the internet i'd joyfully will attempt realism, because that's what i want to do at the moment.)
or give me pictures of yourself. that'll do as well..

That's pretty funny because I try to make them tall.
(Also if you're willing to give me random pictures of someone on the internet i'd joyfully will attempt realism, because that's what i want to do at the moment.)
or give me pictures of yourself. that'll do as well..
you could head on over to /r/redditgetsdrawn for that sorta thing

white, you're a good artist. Get that /trash outta there.

white, you're a good artist. Get that /trash outta there.

Serious?.. alright.

Have a Slightly creepy blockhead. i'm going to post some of the old art i've done until i start postin more newer stuff/requests.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 03:03:43 AM by [Na Pulse] »

The stuff that you did that was deliberately cute was actually pretty damn nice

Rename the last bit of the thread title to "not edgy" instead

Draw a stormtrooper. I'm kind of curious to see how it'd turn out.

You'll get a storm trooper later tonight. I just got home from the academy.
Have a cool-looking religious guy i drew in sculpture.

"You cannot alter my opinion, foul demon spawn, for the hand of the lord guides me towards the truth!"

you could head on over to /r/redditgetsdrawn for that sorta thing

Holy stuff I didn't notice that! Thank you!
« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 06:52:12 PM by [Na Pulse] »

Double post. stormtrooper will come soon. have a Cryiss bug thing I think i posted this at around page 1000 something on the Drawing thread.


Draw a stormtrooper. I'm kind of curious to see how it'd turn out.

Here it is! the storm trooper! It took three designs to get this right. I hope you enjoy this.

Edit: forget! I noticed that the troop has big hips! aaAAAUUUUUUGGH
« Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 03:58:13 AM by [Na Pulse] »

Draw this, my homie :)

annd it's done!

(official blockland 2 concept art.)

  Somewhat creepy art I did. based on a few creepy stories things. I call this one voiceless David.