Author Topic: Kinsey Scale  (Read 9672 times)

he has a pregnancy special interest, men cant get pregnant

now dont you feel silly
Animals can't consent to love or even talk, but try telling that to the furries.
Clearly he has a special interest for male pregnancy. Still not as weird as vore.

what? no i mean the actual humpy bits, generally gay guys have better experience since they've got the whole p-spot thing going, and lesbians know what they want right off the bat since they're the gender they're having love with.
slightly better love is probably still not worth all those disadvantages unless you don't experience those disadvantages
i see your point though
do people really think this?

Even the most liberal of estimates put it at like 1 or 2 percent.
Honestly I believe the estimates of about half a percent.
Admittedly those numbers were based on Kinsey's 1/10 statistic which seems to be false
^says 3.8% of adults are lgbt+
I feel like this estimate is probably lower than the actual number by a significant amount given that older people were more likely to suppress it due to the cultural stigma at the time

Animals can't consent to love or even talk, but try telling that to the furries.
Clearly he has a special interest for male pregnancy. Still not as weird as vore.

whats weird about vore

^says 3.8% of adults are lgbt+
I feel like this estimate is probably lower than the actual number by a significant amount given that older people were more likely to suppress it due to the cultural stigma at the time
You change the results based on the test, not the test based on the results.
If they said they're not gay, they're not gay.

You change the results based on the test, not the test based on the results.
If they said they're not gay, they're not gay.
Younger people, aged 18–29, were three times more likely to identify as LGBT than seniors over the age of 65, the numbers being 6.4% and 1.9%, respectively.
This is from the wikipedia article
Do you think such a disparity can be entirely explained by attention whores? Or maybe seniors simply suppressed whatever same-love attraction they had? Perhaps it's a combination?

he has a pregnancy special interest, men cant get pregnant

now dont you feel silly
uhm have you been on the internet

uhm have you been on the internet
male (as in love, not gender) pregnancies are entirely fictional in the human race

yeah no
forget you, you're not arguing over this

if we're going to actually talk about this then ill leave it unlocked, so sorry drendran :panda:

ummm ok. i guess i better stop watching research cuz apparently im not legitimately aroused by it.
Aren't you the guy who said he had a research addiction?

got 0

i am all about that pusillanimous individual

I got an F.
