Author Topic: Creation of game with the TGE  (Read 10286 times)

Hey all.

Over the past several months I have decided to apply for a course in game development at university for next year. Before I was to begin the course (which I may start in 2009 if I take a gap year) I would like to have some game development projects under my belt.

Blockland has always struck me as being a highly entertaining game with a highly modifiable engine and it's ease to add your own content. Over the next few years I would love to create a game with these same qualities and wanted to ask a few questions to the Blockland community to help me.

Yes, I could make my own mods for BL but the creation of my own game is the point of this topic. I have emailed Badspot various times but have never had a reply; I'm assuming he's busy.

Right then:. What kind of experience may one need to begin creating a game with the Torque Game Engine? TorqueScript is meant to be based on C++ so is a working knowledge of this language essential for a project such as the one I propose? Are there other languages that would help me in any way? (I'm learning Java atm which is meant to help me ease into C++ after).

Could you just make a game using one of the Torque specific text books available or will you need other resources? What resources do you need apart from language knowledge? Can this all be done with one person within a few years?

I think that this is most of my questions for now. I know most of them probably will not be answered but it's worth a try considering BL imo is one of the most successful TGE games today thus it's community should be able to help.

Much appreciated for any constructive reply.


A game where you build a house, car, and other junk and its online, you can also buy furniture and such :)

What exactly is that in reply to? Does anyone else care to provide some information? Anything is appreciated!

Thanks for the reply anyway? What game were you talking about? Sounds lots like BL but you cant really buy furnature.


Also, if you would like people could just provide informaton on my forum? Kinda just made my site and this sort of thing would be a good discussion point for new members of the forum.


Wait Lex. You're scottish?

What kind of experience may one need to begin creating a game with the Torque Game Engine?
A good idea of how 'object-based' games work helps, as does basic C-style syntax. (Brackets, semicolons, functions)

TorqueScript is meant to be based on C++ so is a working knowledge of this language essential for a project such as the one I propose?
You will need to know TorqueScript to make a game. You can edit the engine source to add new types of object (although the generic types which exist are good for simpler games) or increase efficiency. (Badspot made custom fxDTSBricks to replace static shapes which are 'bad' in large numbers)

Are there other languages that would help me in any way? (I'm learning Java atm which is meant to help me ease into C++ after).
I learned to code with Game Maker before playing Blockland, which helped me a little. (Object structure and syntax)

Could you just make a game using one of the Torque specific text books available or will you need other resources?
When you buy the engine, you get a basic FPS example which can be modified easily into simple games. Try editing the freely downloadable version of this. (You need a license to distribute the games) The old Blockland (v0001 and v0002) were based heavily off of this example, and so are basic parts of the retail version.

What resources do you need apart from language knowledge?
Being able to make/export models helps a lot. Try Blender.

Can this all be done with one person within a few years?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 07:25:38 AM by Space Guy »

What resources do you need apart from language knowledge?
Being able to make/export models helps a lot. Try Blender.
If he's got money to spend on TGE I think he can probably afford MS3D...

I'm making a game : Bad Fur Day Remake, its going really well however progress is very slow.
If you plan on making a "game" on the Torque Game Engine don't make an MMO, bad idea from the second you say M.. What I would recommend doing is find some thing you're skill on and build the skill up in that area and move on to a Mod team that uses the Torque engine or even a game development team; There you will learn many trades and skills.

From what I understand, it's easier to go from C++ to Java then going from Java to C++.

A great game would be ordinary life, simplified. Like the Sims, but you're the Sim! Not like Home though.

It's hard to describe. You start off like the Sims, building your house. But then you design your character with abilities and whatnot. Then you live life through their eyes.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 02:55:40 PM by Spation »

If you need any interiors, i've always got hammer 3.5 handy, just shout if you need any.

A great game would be ordinary life, simplified. Like the Sims, but you're the Sim! Not like Home though.

It's hard to describe. You start off like the Sims, building your house. But then you design your character with abilities and whatnot. Then you live life through their eyes.
That's what I was trying to say, it's hard to describe though...

wow thank you all for such great input; i really do appreciate it lots.

Yes I am Scottish :D

I understand everything you posed Space Guy. Interesting indeed! I do have money to buy TGE but only just. I've messed with Blender before so it's a good idea.

Your right Packer in that an MMO is not a good idea. It has crossed my mind but to start with an MMO would just be hell so a much smaller game with TGE will suit me very well.

Skele; I was told Java to C++ was easier from a Senior Lecturer at a university here and as he is the lecturer for the course I wish to do; I think I'll take it from him :). Thanks anyways!

Spation; This is the game idea I have! (kinda) It will be like real life but with a high degree of customisation. Don't ask what I mean by this it's all a blur in my mind atm. All I see atm is high speed car chases with players as both the police and as the... robber maybe? Also I see people with some sort of injury being treated at a hostpital ran by the players.

This may just seem all too much but it's a sort of dream. I'm not a one for exceptional graphics; it would be nice to have good looking basic graphics which provides compatibility stuff too.

If anybody is interested at all then please feel welcome to come along to my forums and post about it. I've not got to the point of putting anything on the forums about this yet so any posts are good.

Thanks all so much again for all the feedback!


From what I understand, it's easier to go from C++ to Java then going from Java to C++.

Turing>(php possibly)>C++>Java

wow thank you all for such great input; i really do appreciate it lots.

Yes I am Scottish :D

I understand everything you posed Space Guy. Interesting indeed! I do have money to buy TGE but only just. I've messed with Blender before so it's a good idea.

Your right Packer in that an MMO is not a good idea. It has crossed my mind but to start with an MMO would just be hell so a much smaller game with TGE will suit me very well.

Skele; I was told Java to C++ was easier from a Senior Lecturer at a university here and as he is the lecturer for the course I wish to do; I think I'll take it from him :). Thanks anyways!

Spation; This is the game idea I have! (kinda) It will be like real life but with a high degree of customisation. Don't ask what I mean by this it's all a blur in my mind atm. All I see atm is high speed car chases with players as both the police and as the... robber maybe? Also I see people with some sort of injury being treated at a hostpital ran by the players.

This may just seem all too much but it's a sort of dream. I'm not a one for exceptional graphics; it would be nice to have good looking basic graphics which provides compatibility stuff too.

If anybody is interested at all then please feel welcome to come along to my forums and post about it. I've not got to the point of putting anything on the forums about this yet so any posts are good.

Thanks all so much again for all the feedback!


YES!!!! That's what I was trying to say!