Author Topic: Houston's mayor doesn't fancy church messages much  (Read 2366 times)

Basically the city is forcefully reviewing any church passage that talks about homoloveuality and the mayor

Opponents from the liberal side say that the churches are politically organizing and that political speech is not legally protected

Opponents from the right say the 1st amendment is being violated without reasonable cause

Since this was primarily about a law allowing transgender people being able to use whatever restroom, its almost silly that this has boiled over. Imo, make it easy for people and just say use restrooms according to your biological love at the time.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 03:25:30 PM by Dodger »

Since this was primarily about transgender people being able to use whatever restroom

I'm sorry but.


digital subscription?

oh stuff I'm on school internet, I might get access without realizing it, let me get another link

I'm sorry but.


Sorry for the lazy wording

I meant they can use the restroom that matches their gender expression

and double post

Sorry for the lazy wording

I meant they can use the restroom that matches their gender expression

and double post

I understood what you were saying, my question stands;

I'm sorry but.


I understood what you were saying, my question stands;

This article talks more about the law itself

It's also a fact that I think Houston's mayor is lesbian, so there has been some strong push for LGBT stuff that Texas churches would try to push back on in some areas

No, I'm sorry but that is loving ridiculous. You can't use the bathroom of the opposite love just because you don't think you're supposed to have a dong or whatever. How can anyone seriously think that it's okay to go into the girls bathroom if they're biologically male just because they feel that they were supposed to be a female? If you have a snake you piss with the guys, if you have a vagina you piss with the girls and if you don't like it then you get an operation or deal with it.

I honestly can't get over how incredibly ridiculous the mere concept of such a thing is

No, I'm sorry but that is loving ridiculous. You can't use the bathroom of the opposite love just because you don't think you're supposed to have a dong or whatever. How can anyone seriously think that it's okay to go into the girls bathroom if they're biologically male just because they feel that they were supposed to be a female? If you have a snake you piss with the guys, if you have a vagina you piss with the girls and if you don't like it then you get an operation or deal with it.

I honestly can't get over how incredibly ridiculous the mere concept of such a thing is
But what if you identify so completely with the opposite gender it becomes impractical to enter the other restroom.
If a transgender individual who was biologically female but socio-psychologically male and appears to be male, the ladies in the womans room that the individual is forced to enter will now feel uncomfortable that there is a "man" amongst them, and visaversa.

I think its rediculous that there has to be legislation about this yes, but your above opinion coupled with that I can so easily bring up a counter argument shows why its needed. There is obviously a line according to most people, and the goal of the law is to try and get as aligned with the people's perception of the line, which this obviously is a very tricky subject.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 03:44:39 PM by Ladios »

There are laws regarding which bathroom you are legally allowed to be in?
I wonder at what age the law actually kicks in at.
Like you see kids in opposite bathrooms with their parents all the time, at what specific age is that not allowed at?

There are laws regarding which bathroom you are legally allowed to be in?
I wonder at what age the law actually kicks in at.
Like you see kids in opposite bathrooms with their parents all the time, at what specific age is that not allowed at?
It depends per state probably, and you also have to take into account handicaps. What if there is an an elderly individual or perhaps someone with a disability that requires assistance en route to the lou. If their assistant is not the same gender as themselves, what restroom may they enter?

More unilove restrooms

love and gender are not the same thing, I agree that bathrooms should be separated on the basis of love, not gender. There is functional differences.

There are laws regarding which bathroom you are legally allowed to be in?
I wonder at what age the law actually kicks in at.
Like you see kids in opposite bathrooms with their parents all the time, at what specific age is that not allowed at?

Not sure, I'm fairly certain it tends to be up to the scrutiny of the property owner. This law forces businesses to allow pre-op trans women to use the female bathroom, and vice versa

But what if you identify so completely with the opposite gender it becomes impractical to enter the other restroom.
If a transgender individual who was biologically female but socio-psychologically male and appears to be male, the ladies in the womans room that the individual is forced to enter will now feel uncomfortable that there is a "man" amongst them, and visaversa.

I think its rediculous that there has to be legislation about this yes, but your above opinion shows why its needed. There is obviously a line according to most people, and the goal of the law is to try and get as aligned with the people's perception of the line, which this obviously is a very tricky subject.

Then campaign for transgender restrooms that are separate from the bathrooms used by people who don't think they're a gender that they physically are not. I don't know about you but if I was pissing in a urinal in a public restroom and a woman walked in I don't think my feelings regarding the situation would change if she said "It's okay, I identify as a male". I'm pee-shy enough as it is and I definitely don't need someone with the physical appearance of a female coming in and making me feel like I'm doing something as heinously wrong as being in a bathroom with a member of the opposite love while we both go about our business

Then campaign for transgender restrooms that are separate from the bathrooms used by people who don't think they're a gender that they physically are not. I don't know about you but if I was pissing in a urinal in a public restroom and a woman walked in I don't think my feelings regarding the situation would change if she said "It's okay, I identify as a male". I'm pee-shy enough as it is and I definitely don't need someone with the physical appearance of a female coming in and making me feel like I'm doing something as heinously wrong as being in a bathroom with a member of the opposite love while we both go about our business
I mean you kinda missed my point but yes

Heres a concept: if people were more secure and ok with eachother around and had less negative intent towards oneanother such that they could thusly expect less negative intent and thus maintain a better sense of security and furthermore personal and extrapersonal respect, we probably wouldnt need to even differentiate bathrooms.

Not that I am saying that, I would too feel awkard at this time in such a hypothetical, but given the hypothetical, there wouldnt be the feeling of awkwardness, so it is an interesting thought expirament to say the least.

Wow; it's kinda cool that the forum is picking up on news in my area.

anyway, I'm not comfortable with my sister using public restrooms anymore.