Author Topic: Harsh Ban for Modifying Someone's Map for Pecon7's Boss Battles?  (Read 17373 times)

Wait, so you uploaded someone's map that you modified and tried to pass it off on your own? I'm seriously confused so please tell me if I'm wrong, but I support that ban. I don't think it needed to be perma though.
I was using it as an example, then making my own map!

This occurred a few months ago. The person in question decided to save the Hangar map from the server, load it on their own server called "Boss Battles", and then claimed they made it. This was reported to me by someone I cannot recall now, and after a quick visit to their server to check the facts I banned them.
I did not do that! I was using it as an example to see which events go where, as with the Boss Battles Developer Package entitles me to do! I never posted it to you Pecon, but once I was done with a map I was making, I would. The map I was making was "Snowy China", but since I was banned I stopped working on it!

so from what I understand, this guy loaded the Hangar map inside his server to reference the events that made boss battles maps work, so he could make his own.

maybe when pecon came on and asked if he made this, she saw the hangar map and he had his own map he was working on in mind, and said "yes" (implying that the map he was MAKING was his) and therefor pecon thought he meant the hangar map?

So assuming everything the OP is true, it sounds like OP saved the map and loaded it in the Developer Package to look at how stuff was done. Got banned for "stealing the map and taking credit for it"?

Now under the above case, it's obvious he didn't steal the map. But is it true he was taking credit for it? Were other players on, were they playing rounds?

On another note, permanent is really harsh for a build steal. And quite honestly it's your fault for literally giving away your maps by hosting. If you don't want build stealers then don't host. HOWEVER, I would understand IF he was indeed taking credit for it. This honestly sounds like a misunderstanding.

On another note, permanent is really harsh for a build steal. And quite honestly it's your fault for literally giving away your maps by hosting. If you don't want build stealers then don't host. HOWEVER, I would understand IF he was indeed taking credit for it. This honestly sounds like a misunderstanding.
I just compared the timing of all of this and remembered that this person complained to me over steam saying they were making a map with the developer package. The ban occurred on 9/14/14, and the developer package wasn't released until the next day (

I just compared the timing of all of this and remembered that this person complained to me over steam saying they were making a map with the developer package. The ban occurred on 9/14/14, and the developer package wasn't released until the next day (
You know what Pecon, you are wrong because I DON'T HAVE YOU ON STEAM!!!! And, my name tag is killer12568 (Now StealerOfTheNight), and, we weren't playing rounds.
I don't even HAVE STEAM!

You know what Pecon, you are wrong because I DON'T HAVE YOU ON STEAM!!!! And, my name tag is killer12568 (Now StealerOfTheNight), and, we weren't playing rounds.
I don't even HAVE STEAM!
Also, I have the Boss Battles Developer Package, and someone had posted it before that!

Also, I have the Boss Battles Developer Package, and someone had posted it before that!

If you (Or a group of builders) create a map which we end up using, the rewards are as follows.
+ $8 - $20 worth of donor credits will be given to the builder depending on how impressive the map is.
  - Credits are divided up among the builders, if there is more than one.
+ Any builder who has contributed at least 30% of the total efforts in creating a map will receive the new "Map Maker" title.
+ Credits will be displayed when the server rotates to that map.
  - Extract all the Add-on files this zip contains into your add-on directory. Do not place this zip file directly into the add-ons directory, it doesn't work this way.
  - Make sure you overwrite all existing brick add-ons, as some brick packs will have inconsistencies with the Boss Battles brick packs, and you must be using the Boss Battles brick packs in order for your map to work properly when it is put on the server.

When making a map, consider this checklist.

+ You need a spawn.
  - If you want, you can simply use the spaceship spawn which is loaded with the example map when you start the gamemode.

+ Make sure there are spawnpoints in the arena!
  - If you're feeling unsure how to make them, simply duplicate some from the example map.

+ Make sure there is a capture point area!
  - You don't have to event it, just place the Capture point brick from the Slayer bricks tab

+ Layout! Make sure there is no significant areas that a boss couldn't simply jump up to normally.
  - Avoid making accessible areas that are isolated from the main body of the map.

+ Boundaries. There should be no ways to slip out of the play area.

+ Make sure there is a Tank Turret!
  - Again, you don't have to event it.
  - There should be a strategic area for it, and it should not have clear line of sight to the entire arena.
  - Optionally, you can also add pirate cannons.

+ Hide chests!
  - They should be cleverly hidden, not in plain sight.

+ No physics vehicles!
  - These should not be in the map under any circumstances! They are too unpredictable and can break gameplay.

+ Eventing is a plus! Your map will get a higher score if you've already done the essential events.
  - The developer pack will allow you to see and use events that are present in Boss Battles. Wrench things around the example map to see what they are needed for.

Once you have completed creating a map, one of the builders should post it here with example screenshots, a link to the bls save file, and a list of credits for the map. (Specify who did how much work)

Apply for admin
You will not be accepted if you do not try at this. Applying for admin is like a job interview, look your best and don't pull any stuff- We do check to make sure your information is legitimate.
Application and requirements are now on the website.
We highly recommend looking at the tips and requirements available on the website. All applications not meeting requirements will be denied.

Links to previous application sessions. Read these if you want a good example of how reviewing works and how your application should be written. - Earlier February 2012 - February 2012 - March 2012 - April 2012 - June 2012 - July 2012 - August 2012 - October 2012 - November 2012 - January 2013 - April 2013 - October 2013 - December 2013 - February 2014 - April 2014 - October 2014

(See in-game news mod for more updated information, this post isn't updated anymore)
11/29/11 - Topic created, votekick removed, admin applications being accepted.
11/30/11 - Admins are no longer in demand. Applications are now scrutinized under higher standards.
12/1/11 - The server is officially more awesome than yesterday. (Thanks to Tetris, who is an awesome builder.) - This was the "V2 Update"
12/5/11 - Badspot visited the server. Was great. He played as the Samus boss though D=
12/6/11 - Admin-of-the-month competition starts! Ends 12/8/11 at midnight PST
12/8/11 - White Tiger won admin-of-the-month!
12/9/11 - Nothing to see here.
12/13/11 -  Lots of bugs fixed in some weapons thanks to Jetz.
12/14/11 - New rooms built by Tetris and slightly reworked by Lugnut.
12/15/11 - I would like to thank Jetz, Lugnut, ZSNO, Tetris, White Tiger, and Ipquarx for their dedication to making the server better!
12/17/11 - Mocheeze boss sorta kinda maybe working. AKA: Work in progress, this might take a while; Getting this boss balanced is becoming a bit challenging.
1/2/12 - It's a new year. Something secret has been going on in a locally hosted server.
1/8/12 - Time yet again for the ADMIN OF THE MONTH! Post to be added to the poll.
1/10/12 - TheBlackParrot won admin of the month! With Jetz and Frontrox runners up.
2/4/12 - Preparations for admin of the month begin.
2/6/12 - Important admin meeting regaurding the shadow/shader update. Will post some results here.
2/13/12 - Don't worry, we have a brand new slate arena being built by Skill4Life (It looks absolutely beautiful, by the way).
3/6/12 - Yet another AotM competition starts.
3/8/12 - Jetz wins admin of the month. IketheGeneric gets second place.
3/30/12 - Boss Battles is now V3.
3/31/12 - Dark Samus boss is added to the game.
4/1/12 - Server down for maintenance. "April Fools"
4/2/12 - Admin of the Month competition starts. This is the first competition held outside of the thread.
4/4/12 - Jetz wins AotM, Fastlex gets second place.
5/8/12 - Boss Battles moved to new server. Shouldn't see much of a difference from the old server.
5/17/12 - Some real work is getting done on the development server for the slate map. We might add a storyline for the new arena.
6/22/12 - Note: This news section is now unmaintained since we now have an appropriate news mod on the server for broadcasting important news.
8/27/12 - Private beta of the Slate arena.
9/6/12 - First public beta of the Slate arena.
9/23/12 - Final beta of Boss Battles. Release expected within a week.
9/29/12 - Boss Battles is now open again.
11/4/12 - One-year anniversary.
12/25/12 - Merry Christmas! (Christmas update)
1/9/13 - Record amount of admins accepted in one application session (4).
11/4/13 - Two years of Boss Battles!
11/12/13 - Something will happen.
11/15/13 - v7 update. (Class system update, GUI update, website update, map update)
11/24/13 - New music system.
12/16/13 - Sky Captain released!

Here it is, posted on November 30, 2011!

Here it is, posted on November 30, 2011!
Did you have to quote all of it?

Did you have to quote all of it?
btw the quote says it was on the 29th.  :cookieMonster:

That means it is one day older, whatever

That means it is one day older, whatever
That information was added to that post a few days after the release. It's called an edit.

That information was added to that post a few days after the release. It's called an edit.
Pecon, you know I am right, just admit it!