
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 163994 times)

Stop thinking it's the team's fault is step 1.

It sounds stuffty, but it's the only way.
You don't have to be bronze to know your teams are always stuff

in all honesty it's not like it' ALWAYS an excuse
you can see people that are obviously bad at the game and it only takes 1 guy to screw up everything
Not really the point and there are ways to carry even the worst of teams that's why instead of saying "damn my  team sucked" which may be true, you should be saying "damn i couldn't carry well enough"

How the hell do you get out of bronze, every team I get is awful...
Not really the point and there are ways to carry even the worst of teams that's why instead of saying "damn my  team sucked" which may be true, you should be saying "damn i couldn't carry well enough"

I wish I could agree, but with certain champs it's impossible to carry. Just lost my third place game in a row because of a fed morgana. When we tried to focus her she just used her ult while her team mates came in and cleaned up. She roamed the rest of the 5 minutes until 20 and just destroyed each and every lane. I tried to gank because i was jungle and she just shrugged it off. She had 628 AP at 18m. All because our mid was an idiot. He never got ganked, he kept overextending, he didn't know how to play his champ at all, so he got steamrolled, and the rest of us did along with him. The other lanes were doing fine until she started roaming, at which point the game was basically over for us. I don't even want to play ranked anymore, it's annoying as forget.

Yeah don't play ranked unless it's duo queue.

Statistically you climb if you're above the MMR you're playing at.
The odds you get a bad player/feeder on your team are lower because you yourself already occupy 1/5th of your team, while the enemy team has another 'slot' for a bad player.

Speaking of duo, anyone want to play a few games?

Speaking of duo, anyone want to play a few games?
im on

im on
Got stuck vs a Gnar on Yasuo. Think I'm done for a while.

Is it just me or is Tristana impossible to lane against? Literally every time I go against Tristana since I started this game I get stuffted on. I have no idea how to counter this bitch and it's frustrating me so much god dammit.

On the upside, I finally learned how to kite with Kalista.
You hold the shift key. :D

Trist and Jinx are two of the most broken champs in game. Shut them both down in lane, Trist will still do damage and Jinx will still devour towers.

jinx will still do damage and trist will still devour towers.

Trist and Jinx are two of the most broken champs in game. Shut them both down in lane, Trist will still do damage and Jinx will still devour towers.

Even after getting Runaan's and pushing them back to their turret constantly, even though she had less cs than me, she suddenly destroyed me and my support in like ten seconds. I didn't even realize what was happening :<

Lockdown supports. Leona, Nautilus, Morgana and some others do well against them

jinx and trist are broken? Omy lol
Lockdown supports. Leona, Nautilus, Morgana and some others do well against them
Alistar and Thresh can be pretty decent as well.

Meta is so boring.