Author Topic: Is Blockland rotting?  (Read 4525 times)

ok lets wait for summer

Crazy is a shameless troll. There was a drama backfire on him, where it was uncovered how he spammed the Boss Battles server with research links and other messages of the sorts, insulted players etc.

Go away Crazy.
what research links? holy stuff that wasn't me. I remember someone getting banned for that, but it wasn't me.

also.. um.. rude? I don't everly try to troll, also about that drama topic.
i'm not drunk russian, if you would look at the topic, there is no evidence that I am drunk Russian, and I never lived in Brownwood.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 08:24:15 AM by }]Crazy[{ »

It's gone for 10 years, it's a pretty loving decent achievement if you ask me, considering I guess this is Badspot's only income (with adsense).

I'd play this game much more if it was for servers with different ideas and lesser morons playing it, I just haven't got time to be playing brick games with college.

Although, I have played Minecraft recently only because of the fact that my mates play it, and it's much more fun when people you know play the same game. Nobody I know plays Blockland, or is unable to run it due to their machine being too old or not powerful enough to run it all together.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 08:29:08 AM by nerraD »

It's not rotting, But it should be cleaned up a bit.

I still have lot of fun with the game and i hope it Will still be here for long! 🌅

Truth being yes this isint the most actively developed game, but everytime I go on blockland there are at least two servers full with people i enjoy being with, even if its Tezuni's Slopes its still fun to play. Occasionally you meet an idiot who ruins your day, so forget him, go to your friend's server, or even make your own crappy server where you fool around at the expense of other people.

No blockland isint rotting, its how it is, deal with it, how many threads are going to be posted over this matter.


I think it's just you

i love how people constantly bring this up but never this
it's like some people want to believe blockland won't have anymore updates.

i love how people constantly bring this up but never this
it's like some people want to believe blockland won't have anymore updates.

I do bring that up, but only if it's relative to the discussion. I was quoting about Badspot losing interest in the development.

You can't go a year without having any of these threads. Sigh. For the millionth time, Blockland is NOT dying. It's growing.

it doesn't take that long to fix some of the many bugs we have. spend at most 2 hours inside visual studio, fix a bug or two, and release an update. it's not even a daily thing, it can even be done monthly.

- community complaints about lack of updates diminish
- feeling of the game being updated restored, makes the spirt of the game feel more popular and happier
- small bugfixes add up to huge improvements
- many people who hate blockland hate simply because they think badspot is lazy and just wants money, but if he made small contributions like this, then a lot of people would back off. (reduced community attacks)
-won't have to make comics about social psycology as much
-modders get to take advantage of bug fixes and make cool stuff

- some people might ask for bigger updates. but that's much better than people complaining about none.
- can't think of any other atm

I think the quote from Badpost i posted earlier links up with this fairly well.

it doesn't take that long to fix some of the many bugs we have. spend at most 2 hours inside visual studio, fix a bug or two, and release an update. it's not even a daily thing, it can even be done monthly.

- community complaints about lack of updates diminish
- feeling of the game being updated restored, makes the spirt of the game feel more popular and happier
- small bugfixes add up to huge improvements
- many people who hate blockland hate simply because they think badspot is lazy and just wants money, but if he made small contributions like this, then a lot of people would back off. (reduced community attacks)
-won't have to make comics about social psycology as much
-modders get to take advantage of bug fixes and make cool stuff

- some people might ask for bigger updates. but that's much better than people complaining about none.
- can't think of any other atm
being in the middle of the update they're working on makes this difficult

being in the middle of the update they're working on makes this difficult
true. hope they get it out soon

The simple problem here is that most of the users who put time and effort into their servers are probably very preoccupied with their eduction to even think about doing any projects on Blockland. I know I don't speak for everyone, but starting a project in Blockland isn't for those who are impatient and slow at doing things.

You could start something, forget it up, and then proceed to get pissed off at your mistakes that you choose to do something else instead; atleast that's what happened to me. I still haven't finished most of the maps I started back when I joined, and that was almost 5 years ago.

When summer comes around however, there's a lot more free time for everybody (unless you have a job). This is pretty common around this time every year.

don't forget we get a lot of new people when theres a sale