Author Topic: The One-Shot: Disposable one-time use pistol (Model finished, scripters needed)  (Read 5571 times)

Could someone make a pistol that gets only one shot? Its specificly for being used with addons that make players drop weapons on death. Click to shoot. After the gun is empty, leftclick throws or melees(depending on whoever makes it). Once the target is dead and has dropped all his items on death, grab his REAL guns.

The model should be the FP-45 Liberator, but I'll accept a reskinned Default Gun too. This might be useful for some kind of "Resistance" TDM where the rebels have to steal all the good stuff from the government or something.

The gun should be fairly powerful, and one hit kill on a headshot.

I think that there should be a pref that if you get a kill with it, you should get your bullet back, so you have a rigid "kill to survive" kind of gameplay.
I like this.
And if you fail, you can use it as melee to kill someone and get a bullet back that way.
If you melee someone that way while you still have a bullet, though, you would get a extra bullet.
the melee should be only usable if you have no bullets

like, you melee by left clicking but left clicking also fires a bullet if you have a bullet

simplifies operation

This. Add this too.

never really got an answer, so I just kept doing what I was doing

honestly, not sure how much I like the top? but I don't have the patience to keep doing stuff with this model
just like the last time I posted a model, here's an fbx and an obj

also, settings for the obj. still not sure if it's important but I might as well post it just in case

alsooo I'm not totally sure if it's suitable for use in blockland right now. the trigger, hammer, and the thing that gets pulled up are all separate objects from the body. so there are like four objects in it rn. and I'm not sure if blockland likes that sorta thing or not cus I've never made a model like this for the game. and I didn't make any spots for like mounting or whatever bc I have no idea how to do that

« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 10:39:13 AM by tber123 »

What you're looking for is a "zip gun". there's a topic asking about that somewhere around here. if that doesn't give you any results, hell if i know what will.

That was my previous topic that became too old to necro.

Another bump. Someone atleast give me a reskinned default gun that works like a zip gun, then.

What you're looking for is a "zip gun". there's a topic asking about that somewhere around here. if that doesn't give you any results, hell if i know what will.

a zip gun refers to any homemade gun

he's describing a gun deliberately machined to hold one bullet with no reloads

a zip gun refers to any homemade gun

he's describing a gun deliberately machined to hold one bullet with no reloads
Technically many homemade guns would just break in one shot but k.

there are some homemade guns that you can use repeatedly

i did some research on some for t+t a while back and it turns out that they're universally of poor make but also typically quite functional, like one guy in india made a huge revolver shotgun that looked like a striker but made of like massive blocks of steel that operated on par with its machined compatriot besides the fact it weighed like a forgetin ton

there are some homemade guns that you can use repeatedly

i did some research on some for t+t a while back and it turns out that they're universally of poor make but also typically quite functional, like one guy in india made a huge revolver shotgun that looked like a striker but made of like massive blocks of steel that operated on par with its machined compatriot besides the fact it weighed like a forgetin ton
Yeah, but you are talking about the best cases here. When you think about handmade weapon you should be thinking about something of poor quality made out of household items.

I would prefer a one-time use zipgun, but you could probably make an multiple or infinite use use one that is inferior to even the basic Tier Tactical pistol and is only to be used for emergencies. Although Zip Guns blowing up in your hand is a real possibility.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 05:35:45 PM by tber123 »

If being removed from the inventory after use, like the grenade, is fine, this could be done easily: just a few lines in ::onFire

If you want something more involved, like remaining in the inventory, but being unfirable, that may be a bit more involved and I'm not sure how I'd do it without having code in front of me

I think OP wants something similar to how the RPGs from T+T functioned. Like the gun would fire then a shell would fall but would appear as the gun's model after about 1 second's down time. Couldn't be too hard and you could base the model off of that 3D printed gun 'The Liberator'.

If being removed from the inventory after use, like the grenade, is fine, this could be done easily: just a few lines in ::onFire

If you want something more involved, like remaining in the inventory, but being unfirable, that may be a bit more involved and I'm not sure how I'd do it without having code in front of me
I think OP wants something similar to how the RPGs from T+T functioned. Like the gun would fire then a shell would fall but would appear as the gun's model after about 1 second's down time. Couldn't be too hard and you could base the model off of that 3D printed gun 'The Liberator'.

I think that there should be a pref that if you get a kill with it, you should get your bullet back, so you have a rigid "kill to survive" kind of gameplay.

I think that there should be a pref that if you get a kill with it, you should get your bullet back, so you have a rigid "kill to survive" kind of gameplay.
I like this.
And if you fail, you can use it as melee to kill someone and get a bullet back that way.
If you melee someone that way while you still have a bullet, though, you would get a extra bullet.