Author Topic: Forums Down & Master Server Flickering  (Read 42928 times)

Well then. That's a bit of a stufffest now isn't it.

holy forget that post made him seriously sound like kalphiter.

Apparently he thinks briefly downing blockland affects us somehow. Worst case scenario we try to visit the forums, see that they're down and go do something else while we wait for it to come back up. Great job Man of Reason, please torture us some more.

holy forget that post made him seriously sound like kalphiter.
Plot Twist?

That does sound like something he would say, and considering he was banned so many don't think?

Sooo what can we do to stop the attacks
Wait until his tantrum (probably caused by his parents taking away his copy of CoD) stops, and in the meantime try and direct connect to servers and use the forums as you usually would.

I try to boot the game up to continue building something I got on singleplayer, then...

I'm guessing what this means is that the game is connected to the central auth server, which is currently down, making the cause for the game to be down too.

loving kek. This twitter is a goldmine.

This is the kind of stuff 12yo me thought sounded cool.

Wow what a badass. Taking down a message board for a Lego building game is some next level stuff.

That post made him look more like an idiot.

Talk about backfire.

Is there still some sort of way to play the game with this going on?

Is he still brown town raged because nobody here liked him?

That steam profile tho.

Dan Johnson from Canada (if that is your name)? forget off.

For those not following the Twitter side:

It's like the longer he goes on, the more childish he becomes.