Really tho.
agreed, not really necessary
as a person leaves the server
bottom of the barrel
where is the kick function at?
bushi doesn't use it, it's near-useless in this situation because problem users will just come back if they're kicked. a five minute ban at least gives them time to get their stuff together.
It's not really insults that piss people off, it's the plain "get killed in less than 5 seconds before there's any fun" part.
the latter is the cake, the insults are the stuff cherry on top. when some new kid gets pissed off at the game i'm p sure the last thing they want to hear is a barrage of "get gud" "rekt" "ded" "rip" from the guys that killed them. that's the straw that breaks the camel's back (no offense camel)
If someone is saying this, then you are clearly doing something wrong Bushido.
i personally never had this experience because all the times i was banned by bushi i was actually being a richard