Author Topic: What is the most disgusting thing you have ever done?  (Read 17788 times)

Step in my cats vomit accidentally
thank jesus I was wearing socks

Step in my cats vomit accidentally
thank jesus I was wearing socks
I've stepped on a rabbits guts before. And I've had to bury a dead cat that had been tore open.
It also used to be my job to drag dead animal carcass to a ditch.

Those are still far from the grossest.

I'm in a family of six, and we have a lot of laundry. This laundry gathers in a really large pile in our basement; a pile at least 8 inches tall, and covering the floor of an entire room. We also recently got a new dog who has taken this room as his new bathroom. So our basement is now covered in both laundry and dog stuff. Recently though, it has also flooded; so now there is a major mold problem.
The most disgusting thing I have ever done is clean this room.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 12:08:13 AM by Aoki² »

i want to genuinely know why you find human fecal matter arousing
i mean i want an explanation
it's disgusting
I'd say if I could. But then again, I don't understand how people are into gore or child enthusiasm.

Well, I've purposely pooped in my underwear (the tightest ones I could find too) a few times because special interestes, I've masturbated with poop (only once, mind you, and I hated it), I've sat in an empty bathtub in my underwear and peed, stuck my finger down my throat, and I've sucked myself a few times.

As for non special interesty stuff, I've stepped in dog poop in socks, I've stepped in cat puke barefoot, had to soak up blood from my butt (don't ask), dissected a squid for a school thing, been chased around a room with a cornea from a cows eye (don't ask, some annoying kid at school decided to do that and film it a few years ago), and once I had to walk through a krispy kreme bathroom with like an inch of liquid on the floor that was a mixture of water and piss. I think I might have also driven over roadkill once before but I don't know if I actually hit it.

No, I'm not handicapped or insane
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 12:15:26 AM by Mr Man »

i want to genuinely know why you find human fecal matter arousing
i mean i want an explanation
it's disgusting

We don't choose our special interestes.

I've masturbated with poop

Also, let me clear up some things, , when I had  to do the following:
manually pull a turd from my rectum using a glove, toilet paper, and a whole lot of willpower.
I didn't just shove a hand up there and pull it out. I have been dehydrated and constipated for the last couple of days, and in addition to the pounds of food I ate during Thanksgiving, this just made my problems worse. I had been on the toilet for like an hour trying to push something out, but it never fully emerged. It was so painful I could barely even walk, so going downstairs and eating a food with lots of fiber was not an option. (Not to mention it would take hours to digest) Hence, I grabbed a pair of rubber gloves from the cabinet in front of me, wrapped the gloves in toilet paper, and started pushing. Once it was partly out I just reached back and pulled it the rest of the way out.

And that concludes my turd-yanking story.


Also, let me clear up some things, , when I had  to do the following:I didn't just shove a hand up there and pull it out. I have been dehydrated and constipated for the last couple of days, and in addition to the pounds of food I ate during Thanksgiving, this just made my problems worse. I had been on the toilet for like an hour trying to push something out, but it never fully emerged. It was so painful I could barely even walk, so going downstairs and eating a food with lots of fiber was not an option. (Not to mention it would take hours to digest) Hence, I grabbed a pair of rubber gloves from the cabinet in front of me, wrapped the gloves in toilet paper, and started pushing. Once it was partly out I just reached back and pulled it the rest of the way out.

And that concludes my turd-yanking story.
Still hot

this thread I swear to loving god what is this stuff

the most disgusting thing I've done was lick my dog.

this thread I swear to loving god what is this stuff

the most disgusting thing I've done was lick my dog.
i licked the inside of my dog's mouth as dared by my mom
0/10 not worth it, only got 2 bucks

well or if you want me to talk about the story that the op said..

except, it was much worse..

theres also this girl i know who asks me to stick my finger down her throat. sometimes i like to lick the saliva off
Um why does she ask you to do that?