Author Topic: BLHost v1.0.4 - New forum!  (Read 17703 times)


zedrow never changes does he?

OP is fulla' stuff, doesn't even know how to computer.

why hi there cutiepie<3
maybe we can meet each other
in theshower at 2 <3<3<3<3
ur nips are cute tho<3
got steam?
confirmed gay

Bump, we have a new forums!
Go to [this website] (link removed) for our NEW forums!

what a winner.
5:37 PM - Zedrow: i luv u
5:37 PM - frankie: you dont even know me
5:39 PM - Zedrow: still
5:39 PM - Zedrow: lel
5:39 PM - Zedrow: luv u bb
5:39 PM - Zedrow: ur cute<3
7:56 PM - Zedrow: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm
7:56 PM - Zedrow: 2 yung 2 be on dating websites forget!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:57 PM - Zedrow: c
8:57 PM - Zedrow: u
8:57 PM - Zedrow: n
8:57 PM - Zedrow: t
8:57 PM - frankie: um bye then??
8:57 PM - Zedrow: p
8:57 PM - Zedrow is now Offline. [this is where i removed him]
8:57 PM - Zedrow: roosterSUCKING  TITS
how i put up with it for ~2 days i dont know
pretty sure he's trolling ya'll

what a i put up with it for ~2 days i dont know
pretty sure he's trolling ya'll
u kno this stuffs been shut down for like 2-3 days right
also topkek unfriending me

u kno this stuffs been shut down for like 2-3 days right
also topkek unfriending me
what do you want me to do? keep you friended so i keep getting one letter messages that spell out profanities?

Zedrow actually deleted his forums, which was breaking the rules here for advertising forums.

NOEDIT: And he actually used a free service. Well done.

Not to mention your "forum" is just a copy-paste of BLF.
just a funfact if you weren't there but yknow that bl's format is just a slightly edited version of a default one if i can recall

I'm sorry. BLHost is shut down as of December 2nd, 2014. We cant be as good at BlockNet or CBMHost. Please ask for BlockNet when it comes out or use CBMHost.

- Zedrow

well then, that went well...

gg no re
bump for keeping alive bioishs

gg no re
bump for keeping alive bioishs
noedit this got moved in drama lol

noedit this got moved in drama lol
and one last message i doubt you will get a server created in the server control