Author Topic: If you made a computer virus, what would it's name and symptoms/effects be?  (Read 3888 times)


Replaces all text characters with spaces inbetween with either "op" or "ban"

too lazy for all the other crap that a virus has

browser to crash due to ass overload.

basically my life.

Deletes the terminal, corrupts every image on the hard drive, hides all documents and changes the user password.

How Ubuntu.Radier is obtained - downloading an infected exe by using the terminal.

Deletes the terminal, corrupts every image on the hard drive, hides all documents and changes the user password.

What's the point of a deleted terminal if your password has been changed???

What's the point of a deleted terminal if your password has been changed???
So that the password can't be recovered, effectively locking down the computer (as you have no way of finding out the new password)

So that the password can't be recovered, effectively locking down the computer (as you have no way of finding out the new password)

You wouldn't be able to use the terminal without being an logged in anyway dawg. Unless you mean the tty, which is pretty much the base of linux anyway. Might as well just disable any mouse or keyboard input.

forces volume to maximum, play loudest screech ever in a form that shatters their everything. killing people. like, actually killing people. muahahaa


on execution, it creates 1000 shortcuts to itself on the desktop, installs 5 pre-packed toolbars and sends an email about "an amazing cure to cancer!!!" to all your contacts

your changes may be lost.bin

On startup:
  Generates 256 random pseudo-random 512-byte encryption keys and stores them in RAM.
  Encrypts every file on the harddrive with the key corresponding to the first byte of the filename.

When attempting to cleanly shutdown the computer, asks the user "Are you sure you want to do this? Your changes may be lost." with Yes and No buttons.
Pressing No will simply dismiss the dialog.
Pressing Yes will display an uncloseable dialog with the text "Please wait 72 hours while your computer shuts down.".
Forcibly powering off the computer normally or while that dialog is visible will end up clearing the RAM and thus erasing the keys that would be used to decrypt the files.
Waiting 72 hours will decrypt all files and shut down the computer.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 07:13:00 AM by portify »


- for blockland hosts
- detects people using BLhack / trying to crash the server
- annihilates offender's hard drive

How about a 'good" virus?


Responsible for releasing a defense system on your computer which completely blocks toolbars and other obscure programs to download secretly when you download a file

Yeah, why not?

DarkKnight.exe (probably refrencing batman)

This is a "virus" created by big computer manufacturers such as Apple and Microsoft to protect their computers from viruses

This virus protects any and all files from being encripted/deleted without permission from the owner of the machine. When your computer goes "off" it scans the computer for any adware, viruses, badware, ect. If it detects a virus then it deletes it without warning. The "virus" is known for protecting President John F. Kennedy's computer from hackers and viruses. You can download the "virus" on the manufacturers' websites such as and Apple's home page. Google also uses it to protect Google and other websites from DDoS attacks. It scans news feeds to check for any big/deadly viruses. It also is used to protect a couple of power plants in the US


replaces everything with memes
no cure

dunno if this was made yet, i made a picture of what it does:


Ebola.dll makes your Windows system very glitchy, and if you maximize, minimize, or move a window, it leaves a mark behind it. After a while, your Windows PC, iMac, or Linux PC will be locked by itself. The password can never be found out, its a bunch of random letters and numbers that never ends.

RIP zedrows ebola.dll infected pc
2014 - 2014
u will not :3 be missed

Spread it to all North Korea!

GOP: Home Edition
Leaks your files to North Korea, and Sony
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 06:37:47 PM by Darkmario765 »