
will the real poop shady please stand up

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Author Topic: POOP THREAD - ELECRO IS GAY  (Read 22269 times)

Didn't witness the stuffting but today I walked into the bathroom at my school and there was stuff covering 75% of the floor in the bathroom. I swear there's some phantom stuffter at my school, and I go to the Alternative High School so you can imagine the kinds of kids that are there.

Didn't witness the stuffting but today I walked into the bathroom at my school and there was stuff covering 75% of the floor in the bathroom. I swear there's some phantom stuffter at my school, and I go to the Alternative High School so you can imagine the kinds of kids that are there.
the pooping bandit returns

the pooping bandit returns
Most of the problems at my school are either the phantom stuffter, fights over money/drugs, and people being stupid and od-ing on drugs at school

Dear god
Lizzy truly has won the thread
Someone get the Nobel love prize medallion for her
There's more

Trust me

I dated Michael the vampire stufflord for 10 months

Who wants more

Should I just write out every single awkward story from last year and put in one big thread made of chapters

There's more

Trust me

I dated Michael the vampire stufflord for 10 months

Who wants more

Should I just write out every single awkward story from last year and put in one big thread made of chapters
post em here even if they're not poop related

post em here even if they're not poop related
I plan to make a novel. Like literal chapters, given the fact that I wish to put them in chronological order one day, let's call this

Chapter 4: The Mikegina is born

About 3 months into my relationship with Michael, we're going strong, I tended to look past all his flaws and accept him for who he is.

Despite the fact that he believes himself to be a gothic prince and vampire.

Some people take these things for granted. I thought I was stronger, and better than this, never would I have expected myself to sink to such a disgustingly low level of filth and humiliation.

I was at his house, and we had been listening to music. I would have chosen to listen to some good ol' classic Megadeth but he insisted that we listen to Metallica. Not too bad, as most would think, but this is modern Metallica. God help us.

As his family was gone and we were alone, things escalated quickly. We were kissing and getting it on. At this point, I wasn't ready to attempt to have love with him... yet, but I had no problems with a bit of fooling around here and there.

Michael is a very confused and damaged person. Well I wouldn't say damaged but he believes he is tortured. Having everything handed to you in life must be such a struggle, I will never understand his pain. As someone who does actually cross-dress, who am I to judge someone for wanting to be the opposite gender? I have the same feelings

However, Michael was different. He wants to think he is a woman trapped in a man's body, but he still has the "No I'm not doing -insert stereotypical girl activity here- that's so gay and girly" mentality. Now I'm not saying that a trans guy has to be rainbows and pink unicorns girly but c'mon. People who really have gender identity disorder probably aren't so close minded to acting like the opposite gender. No, it's not because of society because he is quite open about his "tortured woman soul trapped in a mortal man's body"

I know this isn't funny but we'll get there. The story wouldn't make sense if I didn't explain his fake gender identity crCIA. He even told me he didn't want to be a girl until he found out that I enjoy dressing and roleplaying as a male. It's not like he said "Oh it would be cool to be a woman" he seriously tries to convince people that he has legit GID, but I digress.

We were in the living room kissing and grabbing at each other when he looked at me and said

"Elizabeth... finger me"

and I said "Your ass?"

"No, my VURGINA"

"B-but, Michael... you don't have a vagina"

I was very confused... then... Michael looked at me and said

"Yes, I do"

Before I could even respond, he stood up, unzipped his pants and showed me his chode. I don't judge for snake size, after all, there is a wise saying "It is not the size of the boat, but, the motion of the ocean that counts"

But when someone's head is the same length, if not longer, than the shaft, then maybe they should consider clicking on those weird snake enhancement ads on research websites. Yeah, they're fake, but something has to work.

Nonetheless, he wasn't just soft, he was completely raging hard. It was about 2 inches, possibly less, I'm being generous.

I just stared, trying not to be rude, he couldn't help his size. However, it was just so hard for me to keep a straight face, luckily I hid it well. Before I could even open my mouth to speak, he took his pointing finger and jabbed it into his richardhole, inverting his snake inside of itself. I was shocked.

After his hand moved, it stayed inside his body. It was mortifying because it was a gaping hole surrounded, by a bush of curly steel wool pubes that were probably longer than his rooster, with his nuts hanging from the sides. I couldn't tell if i wanted to laugh, cry or vomit. Maybe all three.

I looked at him in disgust and stood up, slowly backing away.

"See, Elizabeth, this is how I pleasure myself, it works just like a real one!"

As I've said I have no comfort zone, no boundaries, I'll even do scat (That's why I didn't run out of the house screaming for help when Tex had an assblast). But this

This was just too much

There's always a chance to try something new.

I did it. I tried to pretend it was a vagina but it wasn't the same. Never the same. After that horrible, traumatizing event I went home and debated breaking off the relationship, but I didn't. I forced myself to forget.

However, the very next day, in the hallway next to my English class (aka hell, literal hell, the teacher was Satan.) I was with my circle of friends, my good ol' pal, Tex, one of his friends, another classmate, and Mikegina. (Yeah, ya'll get the name, I'm sure now) We, being mature and highly intelligent, sophisticated sophomores, were trying to conjure up witty terms for procrastination. Very advanced for our grade, I know. Some examples would be: yankin' the snake, beatin' around the bush tree, whackin' the weasel and slappin' the sausage. It was a good day, but Michael felt that the terms were loveist, and unfair, given that they only applied to a man stroking his own snake.

I tried to stop him

I really did, he just couldn't bottle it any longer

"Guys, I dun't rub my peens, I push it inside of itself like a, uh, vagina."

The classmate dashed into the classroom, permanently scarred, if he only he knew how I felt.

Tex's friend threw her arms in the air and walked away, that was the day she gave up on life.

I was hiding my face in my hands.

Tex looked at him/her/it and said "Are you serious, bro...?

"Well yeah, duuuhhh, why would I joke about such a matter?"

Mike performed a pose as if he just performed a magic trick and had the biggest open mouth handicap smile I have ever seen. Poor Mikegina, he was being serious, he didn't know what he had done.

Tex bowed his head, and shook it, before entering the class.

None of us were ever the same again

lizzy you need a megathread for these stories holy hell

lizzy you need a megathread for these stories holy hell
I'm probably going to but i need to type all of them up

I'm probably going to but i need to type all of them up
"And don't forget the limit! I'll be honest with you, that word limit could think it can go anywhere..."

lizzy you need a megathread for these stories holy hell
as long as she isn't banned afterward, only to have the megathread prosper for years.

as long as she isn't banned afterward, only to have the megathread prosper for years.
I don't see how I'd be banned for it. They're just odd stories.

I guess it could be seen as like bullying or something but i'm not dropping real names. The only actual name I used is Mike but it's not like I gave anything else.