Author Topic: 1% equals 1/93 True or False?  (Read 2880 times)
In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.
go back to school you loving idiots
according to wikipedia 100% = 1, so 1% = 1 divided by 100 so 1/100 back to school you loving idiots
according to wikipedia 100% = 1, so 1% = 1 divided by 100 so 1/100


how are people even having discussions about this? i might have joked about it earlier but this is literally first grade math

stay in school

1/100 = 0.01 = 1%
1/93 = 0.010752688172043 = 1.07%

Unless you were to round down, which is a bit silly, 1/93 is a (slightly) greater percentage, and not equal to 1/100.

is 0.9 recurring the same as 1?

How can a value be 0.1 to the infinite smaller than a number?

Parently there's no correct answer, there's a constant controversy over it.

It's like, how does inertial mass relate to quantitative mass? Nobody knows.

Parently there's no correct answer, there's a constant controversy over it.

Not true. It's a pretty basic calculus concept where a decimal infinitely approaches a whole number.

Plus, it can be proved really easily as such:

1/3 = 0.33.. * 3 = .99..

1/3 = 0.33.. * 3 = .99..
Isn't (1/3)*3 = 1?

Edit: Oh i see, 0.33*3 is equal to 0.99... That's because you are removing the "infinite" bit to it, the part that makes the whole difference between 0.9999 to 1

Isn't (1/3)*3 = 1?

Edit: Oh i see, 0.33*3 is equal to 0.99... That's because you are removing the "infinite" bit to it.
It really depends on what you're trying to express with the number as well.

.9999 either can or cannot be equal to one.

It can be if you're expressing three thirds.
It can't be if you're expressing exact numbers, such as with some graphs where f(x) ≠ 1

Isn't (1/3)*3 = 1?

Edit: Oh i see, 0.33*3 is equal to 0.99... That's because you are removing the "infinite" bit to it, the part that makes the whole difference between 0.9999 to 1

No, (1/3)*3 = 1.

You would multiply the numerator by 3, providing 3/3 which equals 1/1.

OP, it's percent, or "per centenial," meaning in measure of 100's. 1/93 would be "per - 93," not percent, so 1/93 wouldn't be 1%. When you affect one part of the fraction, you have to affect the other. I.E: 1/50 -> 2/100. You double both sides.

Lol I'm getting mixed up so badly right now.
I basically meant that he can't round because I never
asked him to. I just asked him a straight up
question, and he automatically assumed that he
should round

rounding does not magically change original values.

if you have 9 people in a room and you round up you dont suddenly get another person teleported into the room

Yeah rounding is only useful in some cases; like if a calculation states there are 9.5 people in a room, you round down to 9 cause you can't have half a person...

However if you are calculating the trajectory to which a rocket must be launched, rounding could very easily make a massive difference.