Author Topic: Aoki's City RP (Really bad/disrespectful Admins)  (Read 4138 times)

I cleared the admin list.

And you ip banned me for being disrespectful and admitting to trolling rule 1?

Rule 1 was Be respectful. Nothing about trolling. I troll to fix things. Why do you think your server is scrambled?
I'm helping you stop badmins from screwing your rules up.

Well since Aoki is being a disrespectful b**** and not providing proof I harassed his admins and making up the bullstuff ban reason of "Sending Buttbuddies to do this also" who are players I actually helped in the past that have been on his server is a pathetic joke. Avoid this server. Staff is broken, They change their own rules without the hosts consent, people constantly get killed at spawn and in the mines trying to get money, and Aoki himself is childish.

After all, You let one of your admin give me 100K as a bribe because they broke the rules.
INB4 Server is bad. -20/10. Needs improvement.

I cleared the admin list.
I have also cleared my trust list in order to solve the whole "people changing the rules without my permission" problem.

arkal is a good friend of mine, and he's a good guy, trust me. unfortunately, i will have to agree that aoki has outright lost his stuff and/or just doesn't care anymore. i will be renouncing my adminship and playership as a member of [Qi]. it's sad to see him just piss everything away.


arkal is a good friend of mine, and he's a good guy, trust me. unfortunately, i will have to agree that aoki has outright lost his stuff and/or just doesn't care anymore. i will be renouncing my adminship and playership as a member of [Qi]. it's sad to see him just piss everything away.


I'll miss the Qi-y-desu team. :'(

User was banned for this post
Nice admittance to trolling there, pal. Come back with ten dollars.

now people are going to continue to think people who want good changes are bad people. gj maris :(

now people are going to continue to think people who want good changes are bad people. gj maris :(
dude he JUST admitted to trolling