Author Topic: 2015/01/16 - Blockland r1959  (Read 98919 times)

I'm really happy that the developers started updating blockland again. so...
 :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
First, there really hasn't been a halt on updates. Second, don't get too hyped. These were just bug fixes with little additions thrown in.

First, there really hasn't been a halt on updates. Second, don't get too hyped. These were just bug fixes with little additions thrown in.

First, there really hasn't been a halt on updates. Second, don't get too hyped. These were just bug fixes with little additions thrown in.
There was 11 months between r1931 and r1956. There was mostly definitely a halt on updates.

There was 11 months between r1931 and r1956. There was mostly definitely a halt on updates.

There was 11 months between r1931 and r1956. There was mostly definitely a halt on updates.
r means revision
1956-1931 = 25 revisions in 11 months
that's an average of 2.3 revisions per month

so no, no halt on updates, just a halt on releases.

nice board movement, i like it

nice board movement, i like it
I don't. Kind of useless to have a whole announcements category for one board.

I don't. Kind of useless to have a whole announcements category for one board.
Well, maybe it's a hint that it isn't going to always be "one board." That's not much of a reason to not like it, though, since it still doesn't affect you in any negative way.

Did something happen to setShapeName in recent revisions? Nothing's happening on AIPlayer objects.

Did something happen to setShapeName in recent revisions? Nothing's happening on AIPlayer objects.
works for me. password for setShapeName can be easily extracted with 5 minutes in ollydbg