Author Topic: 2015/01/16 - Blockland r1959  (Read 91902 times)


  • Administrator

  • Fixed LAA flag regression, should fix some crashes
  • Reduced ghost lookup table size by ~10%
  • Brick limit replaced by $pref::server::ghostlimit - this setting puts a hard limit on the number of ghosted objects in the game and reduces the size of the ghost lookup tables accordingly.  
    • You cannot change the ghost limit while the game is running.  
    • The ghost limit can also be set in gamemode.txt.  Lower ghost limits are now set for the default game modes, saving significant amounts of memory per player.
    • The label in the custom game gui still says "brick limit" so people might have a clue what it does.
    • The valid values are powers of 2 from 32768 to 1048576, if you set some other value it will automatically round up to next highest power of 2
  • $Pref::Server::BrickLimit checks replaced by getBrickLimit() - this function derives the brick limit based on the current ghost limit.  


  • Replaced missing defaults.cs.dso which caused the game to not work.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 03:55:09 PM by Badspot »

I'm glad to see new updates again!

« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 05:05:39 PM by Sylvanor »

"neat more stuff" ~everyone for the next 5 pages
but neat more stuff

I still don't understand why whenever I tab out bl crashes, might just be me though

oh my god, another update! hooray!

I still don't understand why whenever I tab out bl crashes, might just be me though
stop using fullscreen what does the update do?


what about the ghosting optimization thing?
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 05:14:19 PM by Compy » what does the update do?
Fixes issues with the previous update, it seems