Author Topic: X happens, but...  (Read 2693 times)

but then chuck norris suddenly appears and kills the world, the end.

but then everyone realizes chuck norris is like 70 years old and he dies from back aches before he can destroy the world

But suddenly, cookies turn into an endangered species. Little kids rage across the globe, creating massive rageflames that engulf the planet, killing all life.

But then God's son, Jesus, noticed how much of a prickhole he was being to the world and he crucified his own father before the same could happen to him. The world returns to normal.

But then, you decide to go on a rampage, and destroy a city because you want to see things explode

But then, because of the explosions you caused, you get sent to a special jail filled with psychotic people who scream 24/7.

But then you go deaf, and live in utter bliss. The end.

But then you go deaf, and live in utter bliss. The end.

techno, please stop trying to muck up the story.

holy stuff.

But then, because of the explosions you caused, you get sent to a special jail filled with psychotic people who scream 24/7.

But then the mayor who liked you in that one movie he forgot the name of releases you on parol because he thinks you're cool.

But then some outside force realizes he was loving up a good story, so he decides to make it more interesting. And gives you hot babes.

But then it's September 11, 2001.

but only one of the towers fell down.

but on top of the other one, which falls with it

but aliens froze the towers in place.

But then you realize that it was all a dream, and you're really on the flight to 9/11.
The aliens are still there though for some reason.

but you have a gun, and you go to town on the terrorists, stopping 9/11