Author Topic: crazy stories your grandpa/grandma have  (Read 1418 times)

my grandpa told me one time in school some kid asked him if he was going to eat his brownie, he said yeah, and then the kid took it and ate it. he said he a temper back then, so he "cold roostered him in the loving jaw and he slid past 2 lunch tables."

stories pls

my dads parents are dead and my mom only has her mom who lives in peru

my grand parents are dead you insufferable ass :(

-wait nvm posted in wrong thread-
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 06:25:32 PM by Zanaran2 »

my grand parents are dead you insufferable ass :(
(im not sure if you were being sarcastic or not so)

(im not sure if you were being sarcastic or not so)
rip gram grams

My grandfather was a sailor during WWII and he told me about Omaha beach and he told me this weird thing about a guy who jumped in one of the LCVPs
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 06:32:06 PM by ThatRandomGuy »

My grandfather fought against more snakes than Japanese in WW2.

My grandfather fought against more snakes than Japanese in WW2.
Maybe the Japanese WERE the snakes???

my uncle told me his dad was in vietnam and he has a picture of him eating a sandwich or some stuff on top of a vietcong he killed

my uncle told me his dad was in vietnam and he has a picture of him eating a sandwich or some stuff on top of a vietcong he killed

I wanna see the picture! :D

My grandfather (moms dad) flipped over my grandmothers Camaro when they were teenagers in the 60s

My grandmother (dads mom) accidently got her family drunk when she was younger and made sukiyaki at a family gathering. Someone had told her to try freezing the saki she was using, and it made it way more potent.

My grandfather (dads dad) used to have to do some work with people in the soviet union in the 80s and 90s around the time it collapsed. He's mentioned some of the crazy stuff happening around that time, like people stealing light bulbs from parks to trade in for spares in addition to their lightbulb rations, or having to sneak money in in very creative ways to get it to people.

My grandmother (dads mom again) lived in New York city as a little girl and she remembers when she was 6 and New York had their biggest snowfall (to this day) in 1947. She says she remembers that the first floors of buildings were completely beneath the surface.

My grandfather (moms dad again) stuck his tongue to a frozen pole as a kid. He said it hurt but didn't stick.

My grandfather (dads dad again) used to be an oceanographer for the US navy and always has interesting stories about the stuff he did.

Both of my dads parents saw Jackie Robinson play at the first baseball games they went to as kids.

My dads parents also both went to president Kennedy's open casket memorial service. He was assassinated less than a week after they got married.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 10:37:29 PM by Mr Man »

"He was running away so I took aim and boom, blew his head off" - My Grandpa
He was an infantry man in Vietnam, he used an M79 when he headshotted the running guy.