Author Topic: AFRO NINJA 3579 stuffposting autist  (Read 23748 times)

randomtroll no one asked you

Well this escalated really quickly.
While I wouldn't agree with Afro's behavior at the moment I will say this again:
I've seen you a couple of times, I think you just don't have a feel for the forums. Like the others said you should just lurk around,  just look at some threads and take a break from postting or making any topics. Look around and see what's accepted and what's not. Also take note on the way people act. Once you think you're ready then you could start posting again.
That's all I have to say for now.

Well this escalated really quickly.
While I wouldn't agree with Afro's behavior at the moment I will say this again:That's all I have to say for now.

Pretty much that quote.
Also read what you say. Often I type something out (Mostly in reply to someone), I re-read it, and just remove it and don't post at all if I don't like it on second thought.
Prevents a lot of unnecessary flaming. I'm also pretty sure I'm far from disliked in this community, because of this.

Im laughing at how much of an idiot afro sounds.

yeah prob badspot has maybe read this post like 400 times
Kill me now

ok lets get some rope and we will hang

My Brother did do it. :/ i like how people try to blame me instead of my 12 year old brother ... its ok though. its not like im going to get hanged for it.

Bro I've done the same thing you're doing.

I didn't get hanged, but that doesn't make it any less right. All that happened was that everybody knew who I was and constantly called me out whenever they saw me. You don't want that, now do you?

It doesn't matter what you guys post i'm not changing my answer.. i rather be right and be called a lair.. than than change my answer and still be called a lair. :)


well i hope you guys have lives out side of the internet. i have to goto work.