Author Topic: AFRO NINJA 3579 stuffposting autist  (Read 23762 times)

well i hope you guys have lives out side of the internet. i have to goto work.
At the stuff-posting factory?


I don't know whether to laugh or cringe.

stuff i was trying to make a animated stuff factory

what happened to going to work

stuff i was trying to make a animated stuff factory
wouldnt that be a image of your keyboard?

Hey Afro, I just want to tell you to leave the drama section for a little, hell just take a break from this forum.
You're not doing anything good, and you're just throwing more and more wood onto the fire that is this thread.
Just hang low for a little bit, because if you don't, I'm pretty convinced you'll eventually have dug your BLf-grave too deep to get out of.

i dont drive. i have my bud pick me up . i still have like 30 before i arrive at work

i dont drive. i have my bud pick me up . i still have like 30 before i arrive at work
pics or it didn't happen

how is this guy not banned yet

Thank Kalphiter.
Kalphiter was the one responsible for no locking, not no editing, if I remember correctly.

how is this guy not banned yet
because being handicapped is not against the rules

because being handicapped is not against the rules
maybe if he were actually doing something harmful to the community..