Author Topic: AFRO NINJA 3579 stuffposting autist  (Read 23754 times)

was thinking about defending him since he's new and then i realized he just ignores all professional advice and rubs it on his crotch/clitoris like people would when they see their haters.

Much like AFRO, you cannot fix a glass that wishes to be broken.

This guy is trying too hard to be funny..

i liked stopped like a day ago can we just move on?

i liked stopped like a day ago can we just move on?
You obviously don't know what a stuffpost is then.

this post
out of all your posts
this post made the least sense
try to stop posting for a long time, lurk around the forums, and learn how we interact with eachother ok?

move on -_-
you really need to stop throwing professional advice form the experienced users on the wall then out the window

move on -_-

Bomber just gave really nice advice, you should respect the fact he isn't bashing you with his superiority.

Which he honestly could have done, I didn't take your bullstuff, you're lucky someone cares.

your right i am lucky but still i "lurked" for about 10hrs thats why i said move on -_-

your right i am lucky but still i "lurked" for about 10hrs thats why i said move on -_-
and you still haven't improved
guess this is a moment where you can lead people to the truth but you cant make them accept it

you want me to change just because i read a few guys/girls post? really now

i have been posting in the off topic .. there i don't need rules or people behind screens telling me what to post or say
its not like i have been disturbing the block-land only thread with my "stuffposting"

you think that im a immature handicap you should see how much the word monday has appeared in the other post

You have a bit to learn kid. Its not that we want you to change, we just want you to stop posting things that have no reason to be posted. Things like posts that just say "lol" or the following

move on -_-
this post
true :)
And this, this was just unneeded.
you smell like stuff