Author Topic: If you discovered an element, what would you name it?  (Read 4880 times)

I'd name mine Hamasium

it explodes when it comes in contact with Isralium

category ( Noble gas, etc ):Liquid
Attributes:Giving people autism
Why you named it that:Betelgeuse
Atomic number:69

category ( Noble gas, etc ):Liquid
Attributes:Giving people autism
Why you named it that:Betelgeuse
Atomic number:69
I admit, I chuckled

Element: Canceroma CRA
Category: Metaloid.
Attribute: A better conductor then copper.
Why it's named such: It is prone to cause cancer.
Location: Southern China
Atomic Number: 190

isnt it just too scientifically unlikely to have elements that are able to remain in existence with more than 118 protons for more than fractions of seconds because they will collapse due to improper ratios of protons and neutrons
So far, yes, but there's always this:

With an absence of experimental evidence, we can only guess where it would exist. However, there's a prediction for where the island of stability will start and scientists are really good at making predictions!

your element will not be acknowledged by a portion of the middle east

highly underrated post

Category: Metaloid.
Attribute: A better conductor then copper.
Wtf? Lol
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 10:51:02 PM by SeventhSandwich »

° means gays, how many gays does it take to melt it? well if there are -13 gays the thing won't melt

Name: blockzillahead
category ( Noble gas, etc ): um naughty solid
Attributes: its cool and tough
Why you named it that: because if i didnt nobody would recognize my name

( Optional )

Atomic Mass: 1 kilogram
Melting temp: 0 kelvin cuz im cool as ice (get it you nerds?)
Electrical conductivity: 240 joules an acre
Country of Origin: america of united states

Name: Flygonite
Category: Solid
Desc./Details: Is a conductive green and red metal that is very durable, and brittle. Can be used for anything from weapons to jewelry. Glows when heat is applied to it.
Naming reason:GaMeFrEaK PlEaSe

Name: Appliancium/Corehalcum
Category: Metal
Attributes:  Has durability, heat resistance, and light enough for aero-dynamic performances. A smooth, white color with blue, glowing veins.
Why you named it that: Commonly used for appliances in CORE.

More like a compound but w/e

Name: Paranoium
Category: Liquid
Attributes:  Made of Oil for deep, dark dream, Alcohol to forget oneself, Mercury for fluid movement and shock, Tears for emotional distress, and Ectoplasm for phasing through matter. Extremely volatile, toxic, and corrosive.
Why you named it that: Literally nightmare fuel.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 11:40:25 PM by Camera »