Author Topic: 2015/02/12 - Mario Land Fun  (Read 131096 times)

maybe you should bring this a step further, have a board for blockland development and another for development of other things/announcements (this is the BLOCKLAND forums after all, not step1/badspot forums)
i wouldn't mind this being the step1 forums; sounds more professional when people ask me what i'm doing on that colorful message board

I would love online support on this

Ooh, sounds fun. I might try it out.

Also, will you be planning on making an update where you can have online mode? What Filipe said.


good controls, did not like the pipes

This is very entertaining. Hooked up a 2nd keyboard and played with a friend.

If the game had a level editor, custom content support (music,gfx)...woah the possibilities are just huge.

Free is good.
Its not like he can sell something that's copyrighted lol

if anything he should have called it Bmario

If the game had a level editor, custom content support (music,gfx)...woah the possibilities are just huge.

You can edit the existing levels using Tiled (which is awesome, by the way).

You can edit the existing levels using Tiled (which is awesome, by the way).
Looks like there's my answer to a YouTube comment I made a year ago.
Regarding the Perennial engine, is there ever going to be an official level editor, or are we stuck with editing the levels with a text editor?

For Perennial:

The "bin" directory is the contents of the Perennial zip file. Copy the png files from the data folder to artwork/perennial.
Problem is though, the colors of the tiles are white. Just fix that by changing the color in an image editor.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 01:33:28 AM by dargereldren »