Author Topic: Sheepocalypse  (Read 5476 times)

anyways, i hate every race but white, but i don't randomly spew out stuff like this.

I wish we were all just one race.

Then this would never happen and we wont discriminate each other :/.

I wish we were all just one race.

Then this would never happen and we wont discriminate each other :/.

“Actually we’re the grayest and the blobiest”


i don't see what you're saying. i only said monday a few times on this forum

I wish we were all just one race.

Then this would never happen and we wont discriminate each other :/.
I think that's when Communism rolls in to stop those differences in society. (Other than race)
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't Communism abolish religion because it would've been a reason for people to erect walls between each other?

i don't see what you're saying. i only said monday a few times on this forum

racism has been around since like, ever. it's never going to go away, just ignore it.


alright mr. gum shoe

and btw mondays aren't anything.

it's a racial slur
yeah i realize its a racial slur that was meant to degrade people, maybe in the politically correct way i should use "gangsters" or "thugs" because apparently it offends people and this world is full of easily angered people, sorry everyone time for me to turn on pbs kids and re-evaluate my life

rockinboy you're 14
yeah i know this, it doesn't usually take long for someone to mature socially, perhaps ive learned alot over the few months of drama.
Yeah but do you hate the entire race because of the stuffty groups? No. Not if you are a rational person.
just going to answer your question now alt: i dont hate all black people (wow!!!)

in all honesty i hate using the word monday, its just a cheap way to say "i hate you" but really people need to take jokes better

maybe these quotes will make my view more clear :
blacks have hoodlums, christians/whites have the kool kids klub, muslims have jihadists/CIA, etc. every race has it's bad eggs.
racism has been around since like, ever. it's never going to go away, just ignore it.
as much as i hate pulling the "not trying to be tribal" card because of its overuse, im not trying to be tribal, im just saying that the world isnt candyland

yeah i realize its a racial slur that was meant to degrade people, maybe in the politically correct way i should use "gangsters" or "thugs" because apparently it offends people and this world is full of easily angered people, sorry everyone time for me to turn on pbs kids and re-evaluate my life

its like when badspot posted that everyone wanted to use it

really though im only trying to get my point across that people get offended too easily, life isnt fun happy rainbows but its not hell either

honestly though sheep seems to be like one of those kids who sits alone at lunch and wears fingerless gloves and a minecraft hoodie

i like fingerless gloves...........

tribal =/= offensive, alot of the times it is yes. but something is always tribal right (implying you said something that was a race joke or something), but it doesn't always mean it's offensive.

“Actually we’re the grayest and the blobiest”
oh my god

i remember this
i mean i completely forgot about it but

now i remember