
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245895 times)

Nevermind the carrier has been stuffting out aircraft for the past 6 turns and it hasn't occurred to anybody to bomb the deck to prevent the launch of more aircraft Jesus h cuck

Nevermind the carrier has been stuffting out aircraft for the past 6 turns and it hasn't occurred to anybody to bomb the deck to prevent the launch of more aircraft Jesus h cuck
Your plasma bolt hits one of the island towers, destroying some radar equipment and hampering its ability to launch.

i had a dream about abs fiesta

we were somehow in cars and i got pissed off so i started running and rousseau turned to look at me but kept driving so i kept running and then i got on tippy's bike for whatever reason and we were at a base where it was at an intersection and if you took a right on the intersection you'd get ambushed by like 50 germans (or huits in german clothing or some stuff) but i needed to figure out a way to tell all you guys without qwep calling me out for metagaming

i had a dream about abs fiesta

we were somehow in cars and i got pissed off so i started running and rousseau turned to look at me but kept driving so i kept running and then i got on tippy's bike for whatever reason and we were at a base where it was at an intersection and if you took a right on the intersection you'd get ambushed by like 50 germans (or huits in german clothing or some stuff) but i needed to figure out a way to tell all you guys without qwep calling me out for metagaming
the forget

i had a dream about abs fiesta

we were somehow in cars and i got pissed off so i started running and rousseau turned to look at me but kept driving so i kept running and then i got on tippy's bike for whatever reason and we were at a base where it was at an intersection and if you took a right on the intersection you'd get ambushed by like 50 germans (or huits in german clothing or some stuff) but i needed to figure out a way to tell all you guys without qwep calling me out for metagaming

moving on, 2/5 isnt enough for an update, i need whiskey tourist or sabre to do something

i had a dream once about having loveual relations with comro

im straight tho

i had a dream once about having loveual relations with comro

im straight tho

It's okay, we all dream of comro

that little whore, he told me I was his only love

We should revolt against his monopoly over our genitals

I try to persure Rafale-22

I try to persure Rafale-22
You are unable to pursue, being too far away. Perhaps you would like to use missiles instead? Those RGMs wont fire themselves.

You are unable to pursue, being too far away. Perhaps you would like to use missiles instead? Those RGMs wont fire themselves.
Ralph fires his RGM's at the Rafale.

Jaakko breaks the formation and begins trying to throw the Rafale off his tail.
Corsair base EV 75
No piloting bonuses or penalties
Test taken at 75
Rafale base EV 76
Experience provides bonus of 4
Test taken at 80
Corsair rolls to evade: 17 - success by 5 degrees
Rafale rolls to pursue: 59 - success by 2 degrees

You manage to throw off your pursuer.

Bell goes to resupply her bombs at the AWACS.
You are resupplied.

Ralph fires his RGM's at the Rafale.
Rafale base EV 76
Experience provides bonus of 4
RGM provides penalty of 45
Test taken at 35
Roll: 67 - failure
Test failed

The Rafale not only fails to keep on its target, but it fails to evade the incoming RGM and is destroyed.

The corvette recently strafed by Coaxoch is wracked by secondary explosions and splits in half as the anti-ship missiles detonate in their silos. Tlacelel opens fire on the dreadnought, with his Guardsman wrapping up its engagement with the remaining Rafale by blowing it out of the sky. Coaxoch looks for another target to hit, and Paladius remains unwell.

Event log:
Shortsword resupplies.
Crash evades Rafale-22.
Sabre neglects to act (1 turn to act before impact).
Whiskey neglects to act.
Tourist attacks Rafale-22 and destroys it.

Rafale-22 explodes.
Rafale-26 explodes.

Tlacelel attacks Dreadnought and damages it.
Coaxoch looks for trouble.
Paladius panics.
Guardsman attacks Rafale-26 and destroys it.

Paladius begins hyperventilating and immediately breaks off his attack, heading for a safe distance.
noo not the precious cinnamon roll. he's too good for this world, too pure. young and sweet only 19 or smth
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 06:24:32 PM by carolcat »

Roger, somewhat surprised at the effectiveness of the plasma gun sets his sites on the command(?) Tower of the carrier and fires the plazma cannon again

noo not the precious cinnamon roll. he's too good for this world, too pure. young and sweet only 19 or smth
he's 17 iirc