
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245929 times)

and PPC + 2 LCBs, a bunch of unused HSMs, a small MMS

you have plenty to take him out with

"Fine, we can leave, if only to not kill Whiskey,"
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 10:34:47 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

we have plenty to take out coaxoch and paladius as well

Ralph looks at his fuel gauge. It's reading "not much fuel" .
"I'd say we leave. We're risking too much if we keep fighting. We're all low on fuel anyways."
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 10:44:04 PM by blockguy™ »

we have plenty to take out paladius as well
you kill him yui kills you
also probably carolcat would as well
king of 550
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 02:35:37 AM by Gojira »

gus is going to kill all 5 of you if the NAUC doesn't court marshal you first

"There is no discussion. We leave now." Roger practically growls, which wasn't really in his nature.

Guess it's unanimous then. Everyone returns to the convoy without incident, the Huits taking another route home.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 08:13:21 PM by Qwepir »

Is the collaboration between Huit and Aesthian forces going to be publicly acknowledged at all or is it going to be swept under the rug by the military bureaucracy?

Is the collaboration between Huit and Aesthian forces going to be publicly acknowledged at all or is it going to be swept under the rug by the military bureaucracy?

you kill him yui kills you
also probably carolcat would as well
king of 550
spare the child

Alright since everyone seems done here, I'd say it's mission complete. Mjolnir was able to help stop the renegades' attack before it could start, and Gus singlehandedly fended off the flight of Jaguars who attempted to attack the shipment in the absence of everyone else. A midair refueling later, and everyone gets back to base.

Jaakko finds himself needing to use the Corsair's arresting gear to land properly. He pulls his helmet off and sees the results of his nosebleed. He also finds that he is drenched in sweat and smells like hell.