
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246064 times)

Jaakko stands up, seeing that there are enough pilots to fulfill the mission parameters.

"Captain Taylor, I'd like to talk to you in private," Jaakko says.

Everything look ready? RGMs highlighted in red because they cost 8 on strike planes as opposed to 6, and as a result snowman is over budget.

Oops, ill take 2 aams instead please
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 01:28:45 PM by NoZoner »

Loadouts in order, you are joined by elements of Raiden and move out to assist the facility. Several miles before reaching the actual area the base is located in, you start picking up communication chatter.
: Be advised, we're seeing a second wave of dropships, coming in at angels seven.
: I see 'em, someone take them down!
: Cannot comply, Izzy's got me boxed in!
: Tell me about it, they've got us all boxed in. What happened to our SAM-
: Voyskrig 1-2 is down, 1-2 is down!

You are still outside radar range, so you can't see what's happening, but you may (and probably should) attempt to communicate.

"This is Mjolnir 1-1, what's the situation?"

"It sounds bad, I'm not sure if they can give us a sitrep."

"This is Mjolnir 1-1, what's the situation?"
: There are ten Imperial planes to our seven- no, six, and VTOL transports are attempting to land inside the facility. We shot down two of the last wave of three, but one hostile infantry squad disembarked successfully within our perimiter, and the crashes may possibly have survivors. We are sending teams to deal with them now. How far out are you, can you see where the transports are coming from?

"We're too far out to see anything, even on radar. We're moving in as as fast as we can, hang in there."

"I have enough firepower to cover any landings that get through, I'm moving to provide overwatch for the facility."

"Captain Taylor, I'd like to talk to you in private," Jaakko says.
We magically teleport to somewhere private.


"We're too far out to see anything, even on radar. We're moving in as as fast as we can, hang in there."
: Understood. Voyskrig, help is on the way.
: Tell them to double time it, we can't- AAGH-
: You bastards!

"I have enough firepower to cover any landings that get through, I'm moving to provide overwatch for the facility."
: I've heard how you operate. Please try to keep a lid on collateral damage.

Mjolnir and Raiden enter radar range of their allies.

: Alright, Yui. How are you going to play this one?

"Voyskrig, disengage now before you end up dead. We can take it from here. What are we facing?"
Yui watches her radar carefully, waiting for a radar response that isn't marked friendly.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 05:49:29 PM by Gojira »

Jaakko looks down briefly at his hands and looks at Tippy.

"I think we need to find some more applicable work for your robot. I don't know if he can be bored, but perhaps experiencing two years of menial labor isn't good. That, and I expect you to give it the apology you've been wanting to give it sooner rather than later, because that is the human respect it deserves," Jaakko says sternly.

Despite his stern tone, Jaakko shows subtle signs of being uncomfortable.

Faw pulls up and starts to gain altitude. He clicks on the radio and asks for intel.

"What opposition are we expecting? Are we going up against Tukrebs mostly or does Izzy have more in store for us?"

Jaakko looks down briefly at his hands and looks at Tippy.
"I think we need to find some more applicable work for your robot. I don't know if he can be bored, but perhaps experiencing two years of menial labor isn't good. That, and I expect you to give it the apology you've been wanting to give it sooner rather than later, because that is the human respect it deserves," Jaakko says sternly.
Tippy huffs disapprovingly of Jaakko's approach.

"Your proposition i agree with but as what you expect of me you do not deserve. Unless you ate too much cheese and gained a thicker skull, i've told you I already intend to apologize to the robot. If you so desperately want the apology, then you need to step off the matter now if you know whats good for you. This is my responsibility and matter. Not yours. As far as work goes, the robot is authorized to do whatever it pleases, I'll leave what it does to you since you clearly have a better idea of tasks it should carry out. Keep this in mind, it may be sentient, but it still has a lot of its habits within it. It likes to work, its in its nature. Otherwise i would have let it sit on my desk with nothing to do."

Tippy looks Jaakko over for a minute before speaking again.

"This discussion is over. Don't talk to me about this subject again."

Tippy steps past you and disappears down the hall.