
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1244428 times)

Lorens works the Shiva's communications stack and dials in the briefed AWACS channel, "AWACS, Mjolnir 3, mayday, mayday, mayday, we have an airman down, pilot spotted six miles North of IP, A-O is still threat-rich." He exhales into his mask and lifts up his visor to wipe the sweat off his brow.

Leagues away, Ash carries on the fight. He pulls up next to Markus' Corsair, "Scorch, Blackeye, coming up on your 4 o'clock. I've got this guy on my nose, I'm gonna take the shot." The lasersight falls over Fulcrum-5, and Ash pulls the trigger for guns.

"Copy. I cannot seem to hit anything with this plasma cannon anyways."

Tippy shoots her boom cannon at Fulcrum 3
UAC accuracy 40
Experience provides bonus of  6
Aim provides bonus of  10
Test taken at 56
Roll: 26 - success

Tippy knocks out an enemy fighter.

Jaakko aims and fires on Fulcrum-5 with the EML.

"Guns, guns,"
EML accuracy 45
Experience provides bonus of  2
Aim provides bonus of  10
Test taken at 57
Roll: 56 - success

Crash hits the Fulcrum dead on with the EMP cannon, disabling it.

Leagues away, Ash carries on the fight. He pulls up next to Markus' Corsair, "Scorch, Blackeye, coming up on your 4 o'clock. I've got this guy on my nose, I'm gonna take the shot." The lasersight falls over Fulcrum-5, and Ash pulls the trigger for guns.
LCP accuracy 50
Experience provides bonus of  0
Aim provides bonus of  10
Test taken at 60
Roll: 3 - success

Ash blows the disabled plane out of the sky.

Virvel cleans up the retreating plane with an all-aspect, leaving only the last bomber airborne.

Walter opens a channel to the remaining bomber as he moves the skepna's crosshair over it and begins to aim
: Blackjack One; I recommend you bail out immediately from your aircraft before you meet a similar end.
: Go step into a noose, you whingy little friend. We aren't about to run away from our duties.

The Blackjack begins pouring on the speed and pulling away- you know the Skepna is still faster, but by the time you start gaining on it it could have already reached its target.

Lorens works the Shiva's communications stack and dials in the briefed AWACS channel, "AWACS, Mjolnir 3, mayday, mayday, mayday, we have an airman down, pilot spotted six miles North of IP, A-O is still threat-rich." He exhales into his mask and lifts up his visor to wipe the sweat off his brow.
: We read you, relaying information to CSAR. Don't get your hopes up though.

"Ashes, Scorch, trying to keep that Blackjack from dropping its payload. Fox 1 ripple, watch yourself."
Markus fires his two RGMs at the Blackjack in an attempt to dissuade it from its course.

: Go step into a noose, you whingy little friend. We aren't about to run away from our duties.

The Blackjack begins pouring on the speed and pulling away- you know the Skepna is still faster, but by the time you start gaining on it it could have already reached its target.

Walter just laughs shortly at the response to his offer of mercy
: Don't worry, Even if you complete your duty you won't get away from me, and I'll make sure I'm the last thing you see if you live after this.

Walter fires the Plasma cannon and follows up with his ballistic weapons, firing them all(except the plasma) twice in succession for insurance
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 11:37:05 PM by Badger »

Walter just laughs shortly at the response to his offer of mercy
: Don't worry, Even if you complete your duty you won't get away from me, and I'll make sure I'm the last thing you see if you live after this.

Walter fires the Plasma cannon and follows up with his ballistic weapons, firing them all(except the plasma) twice in succession for insurance

P4 accuracy 25
Experience provides bonus of  5
Aim provides bonus of  20
Colossal Target provides bonus of  15
Missile Range provides penalty of  20
Test taken at 45
Roll: 42 - success

RAC accuracy 50
Experience provides bonus of  5
Aim provides bonus of  20
Colossal Target provides bonus of  15
Missile Range provides penalty of  20
Test taken at 70
Roll: 0 - success

The left wing is vaporized by the plasma and the fuselage is riddled with 20mm shells on its way down until an explosion rips it apart from inside.

: [Let noone say you people don't know what you're doing out here. Thank you again for the assistance.]

"[We're glad to help.]"

: Wish I knew Gothic. Whatever, I'm returning to the carrier now. I'm sure Tarkirov has plenty more fodder to throw at us.

Walter changes his heading back to the carrier as stated
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 12:32:13 AM by Badger »

"He said 'thanks for the help.'"

Mjolnir's remnants touch down on the Blixtkrig and are immediately called to the ready room to be briefed on their next mission.

Briefing Music
: Hate to rush you guys, but we need you back out there ASAP. Sky Marshal had a squadron probe the Imperial front line to bait them into launching a force in response and your names are on the list of pilots who are supposed to get out there and smash 'em so we can take another step towards claiming air superiority. Five squadrons are already heading out to the rally point, get your planes in order and go out to meet them. Expect drones, fighters, and one Imperial destroyer. There are cruisers in the area, but the Sky Marshal says the only people who have to worry about those are the slackers that aren't getting stuck in- the Goths aren't gonna fire a burst missile into a furball with their own planes in it, after all.

Back on the Indomitus, the Aesthian Auxiliary squadron has landed and is receiving new instructions.

Briefing Music
: As you were returning to the carrier, the Aesthians launched an attack on one of our forwardmost ships, the destroyer Andromeda. Their small force was driven off without any casualties on either side, but long range scans show a much larger formation of small craft on approach, at least thirty planes in total. The Admiral has already ordered a drone wing dispatched and we are preparing to launch carrier squadrons Rauths and Gel. Additionally, we have received word from Arx Cypristar fish that trainee squadron Weizhskilde is prepared for an emergency launch as well. Yourselves and the Kintharians will be deploying to assist in holding the line.
Saving the Andromeda would be an obvious plus, but at the risk of sounding callous I must emphasize that your objective is to inflict as many losses on the attacking Aesthian force as possible while prioritizing your own survival. We already have a reinforcement air detachment en route from the south, whereas the Aesthians are unable to replenish any losses they take. The more we can keep them under pressure to act quickly, the more likely they will be to make critical mistakes in the engagements to come, and the easier our jobs will be.

The briefing officer singles Walt out.
: You won't want to be flying this sortie in that bucket of yours. Take the Nosferatu on deck two.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 05:10:30 PM by Qwepir »

Tippy having no objections speaks up

"Sounds good."

Jaakko requests the same load out.

Markus wonders if and how rank carries over in the Imperium.

Mjolnir rendezvouses with the Aesthian formation and begins heading out towards the Andromeda- towards the Imperial response force. It doesn't take long for the two groups to make radar contact.

: Well well well, looks like Kaz wasn't kidding when he said he wanted everyone in the air, huh? How's it going, Bell?
: You know these guys, boss?
: Yup. Used to fly with them way back. 'Course, there were a lot more of them then. Judging by how they look now, their turnover rate must be almost as bad as ours!

: [Everyone holding up alright? I know you're excited, or nervous, but we're not here to get caught up in a furball- hang back and let the senior pilots designate targets for you. Just stay calm, stick together, and watch each others' backs; and we'll all make it home, alright?]
: [Yes sir, Commandant Valerian.]
: Listen to that- their voices, I don't actually know what they're saying- those kids are about to get one hell of a trial by fire.

Markus looks on jealously at the rest of his flight and how well-equipped they are.
"...they're just telling the kids to stay close and everything will be alright."