Author Topic: Promethus (BLID: 56377)- Buildbotting stolen builds.  (Read 4489 times)

Yeah this guy is just a pathetic richardwad.
Here's hoping the original builders hid their names in the builds somewhere.

Even if they did, buildbot doesn't save events and if it were with print bricks, they would all appear as the builder's last print used (Defaults to A). You'd have to spell your name with bricks and that's not easy to hide in a house.

Even if they did, buildbot doesn't save events and if it were with print bricks, they would all appear as the builder's last print used (Defaults to A). You'd have to spell your name with bricks and that's not easy to hide in a house.
Just put richards and swastikas everywhere then!

researchethus should come to the forums and give his reason, or else people are gonna randomly join his server and flame him

researchethus should come to the forums and give his reason, or else people are gonna randomly join his server and flame him
He won't. Even if he did, his defense would be completely stuff most likely.

/support, but people should be ok with people saving their builds as not everyone who saves their build is going to steal it and claim it as their own. Just my 2 cents considering people might end up becoming ultra defensive with their builds and ban people for simply trying to save it. At least you know that it was good enough for someone to save to play around with in their own time, which I see no issue with.

researchethus should come to the forums and give his reason, or else people are gonna randomly join his server and flame him
sometimes trying to defend yourself when you're drama'd isn't really worth it to begin with knowing how some people here are absolutely bloodthirsty.

what people should do is read over their drama, and if they find that they might end up backing themselves into a wall or you have insufficient evidence, just ignore it and try to wait for it to float away. it really is their only chance. but of course the stuff that some people pull off are just too big to just drift away like that.

Don't you mean banthirsty? :cookieMonster:

/support, but people should be ok with people saving their builds as not everyone who saves their build is going to steal it and claim it as their own. Just my 2 cents considering people might end up becoming ultra defensive with their builds and ban people for simply trying to save it. At least you know that it was good enough for someone to save to play around with in their own time, which I see no issue with.
i would be okay if someone took one of my builds and put in BLATANT CREDITS saying i was the one who made the build

stealing a build and then taking credit is just stupid, since i've seen how he builds and it's nothing like the pictures in op

i love "I swear to Badspot I made this"
If only it was "I swear on my key"

Promethus's Defense Statement: But guys, Brickitect and that Ephi guy stole it from me! I swear!

And then he just changes his defense statement and then he tries to cover it up entirely.

And yes, I know a build stealer from the face so I know exactly what his defense would be.

Similar and entertaining: This kid went to my server and he never talked to anybody and he quickly jetted around the build and went afk

I knew he was going to save the build so I did quick thinking and banned him permanently for this reason: "Attempting to steal the build; mondaychicken."

I ban people who try to save my build without asking to save it since that means they want to steal it.
Ok, now what kind of thinking is this? A user just jets around a build and goes afk, so that makes you think he's going to save your build and claim it as his own? For all you know he was just probably checking out how the server looked and went afk to do something quick, don't be so damn quick to jump to conclusions.

One of the main points of the saving system is to save builds of others which you could later use for other things, there is no asking for permission when it comes to stuff like this. How would you even know if someone was saving your build anyway. It's okay to use someone else build, but it's not really good when someone tries to claim it as his/her own.

Now on topic, I think it would be pretty obivous that he didn't build those. Those builds have distinct styles and there's no way he built that house bricki made in an hour. I know someone else is going to come and say that it isn't that big a deal he stole builds, but it's still a pretty pathetic thing to do.