Author Topic: Tetrahedron's Whitelisted Server - APPLICATIONS CLOSED  (Read 4900 times)

Tetrahedron's Whitelisted Server

The server will go up later today.

I came across one of my old topics, which happened to be a Whitelisted Server, and I decided to revive it! The general idea of this server is to make a place where you can build online without being disturbed too much by others.  This means no random shooting, no red spray paint, and and absolutely no annoying, abusive little nine-year-olds.  Basically a little safe haven from the stupidity of the common Blockland Server.  In order to do this, I can't really allow all of those annoying abusive little nine-year-olds join the server.  Hence the white-list. Whitelisted players can orb and build, but are prevented from using admin actions. I also plan to make non whitelisted users able to join, but not chat or spawn, and only spectate.



None yet!

The Whitelist

  - Tetrahedron (4595)
  - Redcorner (33688)
  - Kalamari (48568)
  - Pie Crust (27690)
  - NessNet (46175)
  - Fab (46343)
  - Assassin Pro (35703)
  - WaterOre (7307)
  - }]Crazy[{ (16362)
  - Squeaky mClean (19639)
  - SECALE (36732)
  - Sargeras (41072)
  - Mr Queeba (44574)
  - Google Glass (35463)
  - MMMiracles (19725)
  - Ravenpaw (16895)
  - OfficerKenny (37651)

Brick_Modter (all of them)

I only currently use default, but email me a list or a couple of add-ons you would like on the server.


I will be checking your post history and the like.

Code: [Select]
[b]In-Game Name[/b] Your IGN here
[b]Blockland ID[/b] BL_ID
[b]Why Join[/b] Why should i let you in/Why do you want to join
[b]Build Idea[/b] What do you wish to build?

If you get accepted, I will add you to the whitelist.

The theme is ocean/islands and boats!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 03:37:57 PM by Tetrahedron »

In-Game Name Kalamari
Blockland ID 48568
Why Join I dislike the missile shooting in other free build servers. Well, stupidity in general.
Build Idea I am a bit of a noob, and wanna get better at it... Without the missiles.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 04:03:29 PM by Sir Squidington »

In-Game Name Your IGN here Pie Crust
Blockland ID BL_ID 27690
Why Join Why should i let you in/Why do you want to join Why not?
Build Idea What do you wish to build? Buildings.

wouldn't this be like singleplayer?
I got the server idea wrong
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 08:21:01 AM by K3k0m@n »

In-Game Name Your IGN here Pie Crust
Blockland ID BL_ID 27690
Why Join Why should i let you in/Why do you want to join Why not?
Build Idea What do you wish to build? Buildings.
First of all, nice removing the placeholder text.
Second of all, your App is stuff, but I can trust you.

wouldn't this be like singleplayer?
As we gather more people, you will find there will be a few others to play with.

In-Game Name NessNet
Blockland ID 46175
Why Join I love freebuilds. I really do, but almost everytime I get bothered by people who generally annoy you and spam bricks and stuff like that. But now this is my chance to actually enjoy a freebuild. Thats why I want to join.
Build Idea I like to build small houses, cottages, etc and other cool stuff that are really interactive and/or comfortable.

nice, this is backup again. Can I be re-added?

In-Game Name NessNet
Blockland ID 46175
Why Join I love freebuilds. I really do, but almost everytime I get bothered by people who generally annoy you and spam bricks and stuff like that. But now this is my chance to actually enjoy a freebuild. Thats why I want to join.
Build Idea I like to build small houses, cottages, etc and other cool stuff that are really interactive and/or comfortable.
nice, this is backup again. Can I be re-added?
Both added.

In-Game Name SECALE
Blockland ID 36732
Why Join every freebuild server i join always has the spam or the annoying edgy 8 year old. i'd like a safe haven to build whatever my heart desires
Build Idea anything that comes to mind, tbh

In-Game Name  Squeaky mClean
Blockland ID 19639
Why Join I enjoy building things.  Building with other people who also enjoy building things but not loving around 24/7 is fun
Build Idea I enjoy building islandy things.

By ocean/island, what exactly do you mean by that?  Kind of like an island fort-wars but just the building? Or more centered around organic builds?  Either one sounds great

Permissions are broken. I'll restart the server later tonight when i fix them .-.

In-Game Name WaterOre
Blockland ID 7307
Why Join
Freebuilds are also a particularly favorite genre of mine.
Build Idea Probably another house and nearly anything requested.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 08:58:04 PM by WaterOre »

Server is up, and whitelist is fixed. I also added an info island.

yooo id like to join
IGN - }]Crazy[{
BL_ID - 16362
Why Join - I wanna build, that's why!
Build Idea - Turret base island and more.

yooo id like to join
IGN - }]Crazy[{
BL_ID - 16362
Why Join - I wanna build, that's why!
Build Idea - Turret base island and more.
In-Game Name WaterOre
Blockland ID 7307
Why Join
Freebuilds are also a particularly favorite genre of mine.
Build Idea Probably another house and nearly anything requested.