Tetrahedron's Whitelisted ServerThe server will go up later today.I came across one of my old topics, which happened to be a Whitelisted Server, and I decided to revive it! The general idea of this server is to make a place where you can build online without being disturbed too much by others. This means no random shooting, no red spray paint, and and absolutely no annoying, abusive little nine-year-olds. Basically a little safe haven from the stupidity of the common Blockland Server. In order to do this, I can't really allow all of those annoying abusive little nine-year-olds join the server. Hence the white-list. Whitelisted players can orb and build, but are prevented from using admin actions. I also plan to make non whitelisted users able to join, but not chat or spawn, and only spectate.
PicturesNone yet!
The Whitelist - Tetrahedron (4595)
- Redcorner (33688)
- Kalamari (48568)
- Pie Crust (27690)
- NessNet (46175)
- Fab (46343)
- Assassin Pro (35703)
- WaterOre (7307)
- }]Crazy[{ (16362)
- Squeaky mClean (19639)
- SECALE (36732)
- Sargeras (41072)
- Mr Queeba (44574)
- Google Glass (35463)
- MMMiracles (19725)
- Ravenpaw (16895)
- OfficerKenny (37651)
Brick_Modter (all of them)
I only currently use default, but email me a list or a couple of add-ons you would like on the server.
ApplicationI will be checking your post history and the like.
[b]In-Game Name[/b] Your IGN here
[b]Blockland ID[/b] BL_ID
[b]Why Join[/b] Why should i let you in/Why do you want to join
[b]Build Idea[/b] What do you wish to build?
If you get accepted, I will add you to the whitelist.
The theme is ocean/islands and boats!