Author Topic: Tetrahedron's Whitelisted Server - APPLICATIONS CLOSED  (Read 4863 times)

Sorry i skipped your's. I'll look it over l8er
Haha ok, thanks!

In-Game Name  Squeaky mClean
Blockland ID 19639
Why Join I enjoy building things.  Building with other people who also enjoy building things but not loving around 24/7 is fun
Build Idea I enjoy building islandy things.

By ocean/island, what exactly do you mean by that?  Kind of like an island fort-wars but just the building? Or more centered around organic builds?  Either one sounds great
Accepted, but i'm busy right now, so ill add you later

In-Game Name SECALE
Blockland ID 36732
Why Join every freebuild server i join always has the spam or the annoying edgy 8 year old. i'd like a safe haven to build whatever my heart desires
Build Idea anything that comes to mind, tbh
don't forget me

I added all of yous and the server is up

In-Game Name: Sargeras
Blockland ID: 41072
Why Join: I can't host, and I'd like to build on another server instead of dying of boredom. Also, I like freebuilds. Although, most just use default bricks and are really bad.
Build Idea I'd build a mansion
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 08:27:26 PM by Hawt »

In-Game Name Mr Queeba
Blockland ID 44574
Why Join I would love to free build without 5 year olds.
Build Idea Basic buildings.

In-game name: Google Glass
Blockland ID: 35463
Why Join: well every time I join a free build, the place looks like trash with a lot of bad builds, and dumb little kids getting in the way. I also think single player and finding addons myself of boring that's why I like the idea of this.
Build Idea: Mostly terrain, and some basic buildings

In-Game Name: MMMiracles

Blockland ID: 19725

Why Join: I enjoy building ingame but I have issues with actually making decent progress on a build in singleplayer. Building in general just seems more enjoyable with other people around to spectate/give criticism.

Build Idea: I like building stuff like terrain and usually event-based builds.

In-Game Name: SphericalCube
Blockland ID: 7504
Why Join Why should i let you in/Why do you want to join: I like to build but most of the time i build alone. It would be nice to do it on this server since i'll have people to keep me company. not having random spam and crap everywhere would be nice too.
Build Idea What do you wish to build? : i'll probably end up building terrain and other random things

I'll look over all of yours after class. Applications are now closed

I'll look over all of yours after class. Applications are now closed
just missed it

in case a slot opens i guess i'll just do what shamester did
In-Game Name Ravenpaw
Blockland ID 16895
Why Join Really all i do is build and goof around. It's always more fun building with other people.
Build Idea Anything that comes to mind, from a sci-fi death cannon to a cabin.

also 'hackplant' would be a good add-on to have, it lets you plant floating bricks.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 03:08:24 PM by Obliviongate20 »

In-Game Name Your IGN here: OfficerKenny
Blockland ID BL_ID: 37651
Why Join Why should i let you in/Why do you want to join: I love building, and eventing!
Build Idea What do you wish to build?: anything that you would like me to build!

I'll look over all of yours after class. Applications are now closed
Am I too late?