Author Topic: post your favorite joke of all time  (Read 1316 times)

the best joke ever made is:
what's the hardest part of playing soccer?
telling your parents that you're gay

what did MaiaDavisGo ever do to you
he killed my family

why did the chicken cross the road

A: there was no chicken

What about that airline food?
See I can be a standup guy.

How many tribal police officers does it take to change Hindu lightbulb?

None because they beat the lightbulb to death saying Hindu was "CLOSE ENOUGH"

Your moms like a brick she has 3 holes and gets laid by mexicans and why are black people so dirty... cus they wear pubes on there heads...

these are all awful
Says the person who said
the best joke ever made is:
what's the hardest part of playing soccer?
telling your parents that you're gay

its a tie between these two
A Nano breaks down on a roadside.

A BMW stops to help the driver.

"I will tow you to the next service station, but if I drive too fast please flash your lights"

They start up slowly but only a km or so down the line a Porsche speeds past 150km/h.

The BMW driver totally forgets about the nano & guns it after the Porsche.

Just as all 3 of them tear through a speed trap, the cop radios the HQ:

"Calling all stations, You won't believe this, I just saw a BMW & a Porsche racing past at about 190 km/h with a Nano behind them flashing its lights to Overtake."

Five guys in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border. The Italian customs officer stops them and says,

"It'sa illegal to puta five people in a Quattro."

"What are you talking about?" the driver asked.

"Quattro meansa four, and you are five-a people."

"Quattro is just the name of the car."

"Don'ta think you can fool me! Quattro meansa four and you are five-a people, you are breakinga the law."

"You idiot! Call your supervisor, I need to speak with someone with more intelligence!"

"He can'ta come."

"Why not?"

"He'sa busy witha two guys in an Uno."

Says the person who said
the best joke ever made is:
what's the hardest part of playing soccer?
telling your parents that you're gay
the best joke ever made?
what about it?

How many tribal police officers does it take to change Hindu lightbulb?

None because they beat the lightbulb to death saying Hindu was "CLOSE ENOUGH"
isnt it "how many police officers does it take to change a lightbulb" "none they just beat the room for being black"?

I'm stuck between

Why did sally fall off the swing,
because she had no arms.

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Not Sally.

What did Sally get for Christmas?
I don't know, she hasn't opened it yet.


Why did Princess Diana cross the road?

She wasn't wearing her seat belt.