Author Topic: zayn left 1D  (Read 2765 times)

i just looked this up and i already dislike it.
gratulations u have finally discovered that people have different tastes in music
music may be powerful but people aren't music
they just make it
it's symbolic doofus

To you maybe, but everyone has different tastes and different life experiences. You cannot speak for everyone like this.
imbrplying i am not the overlord of you all.

I wonder what girls in school are going to do tomorrow... Oh boy

He started getting a ton of angry tweets.
this was his response:

looks like he chose a different direction

-broken image-
He started getting a ton of angry tweets.
this was his response:
-broken image-
An error occurred while processing your request.

so is it 0.8 Direction now
you're welcome
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 04:00:02 PM by dargereldren »
you're welcome
this is like the fifteenth or so time I've been on that blog (probably just third or so that I was the focus but you know whatever)

i saw some girls literally crying in my class yesterday
me and my friends were just loving giggling because we didn't know what to do or say, it was just funny to see grills going that apestuff over a singer

edit: i worded what i said incorrectly, fixd
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 05:02:39 PM by Maxxi »