Author Topic: Team TD 2  (Read 6578 times)

Welcome to Team Tower Defense 2.

Team TD 2 is similar to a Tower Defense game, but taken to the next step of customization and imagination.

Are you ready to play? Ask any questions you want in the comments if you want some info, though most of the game is covered in a tutorial.

Tutorial: Basics

WELCOME player! To Team Tower Defense 2!

In this tutorial lesson, we'll be going over the basics of Team Tower Defense 2. How to place towers, and the general HUD and systems you should know about.

I bet you are very excited to start playing right away arnt you?

Well just hold your horses mate, i aint letting you into a real game till you understand everything. So lets begin.

The Goal of Team Tower Defense 2 is to set up a proper defense against waves of robots, aliens, and other wacky stuff. Your HUD is extremely important for you.

This is the Resource Chart, it is an important aspect to the game.

The Ammo Box is your current metal count. You may notice it is blank at the moment, for the tutorial lessons, you have unlimited metal. You are rewarded metal at the end of each wave. More metal is rewarded the harder a wave is.

The Health Pack is your current Game Health. This health will drop when an enemy successfully gets past your defense, and escapes or captures an objective. How much health decreases is dependant on what exactly the enemy is after. You have unlimited health during a tutorial lesson.

The Intel Suitcase is your current Technology Points. Technology points are earned at the end of each wave. Technology points are used to research new towers and weapons against the enemy. When a special enemy is killed, you immediately gain some Technology Points. Boss Enemies reward you with a single Golden Technology Point. Which can be used to research an Australium Tower. Take note that most towers require more then one Technology Point to research, especially Australium Towers.

The Spy-bot on the Chart does nothing, so ignore it. Sneaky bastard tried to gather intel on your training.

This is the Enemy Teleporter. All enemy waves originate from this teleporter.

The Enemies Goal is to reach the Target. This target varies on the map, but for the tutorial lessons, the target will be a RED Teleporter.

Before each wave, holograms will show the intended travel path of the enemy. Use this to determine the placement of your towers.

Towers may be placed anywhere on the map. But these markers are the Optimal Locations to build towers. You may be thinking to yourself "Oh, this is simple, i just build sentry guns, and they wreck everything." Well, your wrong.

For you see, rather then building sentry guns, your towers consist of Team Fortress 2 Classes!

Towers are the Classes of Team Fortress 2, which will attack all incoming enemies. The towers vary in different stats. What makes them so diverse, is how each tower uses a different weapon. Giving it unique attributes, and giving tower selection some of the largest diversity ever.

Stock towers are the cheapest towers, costing the least metal to build. They are however the most generic, and cannot complete all scenarios on their own. The more unique a tower is, the more metal it costs to build. Australium Towers are the most expensive towers above all else.

Now then, how about you go ahead and build yourself your first tower from the 3 classes seen earlier.

Choose a Tower

  • Scout Tower
  • Heavy Tower
  • Sniper Tower

I'll go with a Sniper Tower to start off.

Excellent. Note that in a real game, there will be more details about a tower you will need to consider, and will also cost metal. But we will cover that later.

Wave Incoming!

Uh oh! Looks like the enemy is sending their first wave at us. However, we have intel on them.

This is the Intelligence Board. This displays information about the incoming wave. Most importantly, what enemies and how many of them. As you can see, the first wave consists of a Single Heavy Bot.

Take note of the holograms to determine where the bots will be running. Your tower is already set. Lets start the wave.

Before the start of each wave, you will be given a Percentage chance, which is created based on the number of towers you have, what those towers are, and the size and diversity of the current wave. This system is very experimental, so don't expect it to be perfect.

Victory Chance: 100%

Wave 1 Has Started!

Wave 1 Complete!

Excellent Job! You thwarted the incoming attack. You are now familiar with how to place your towers, as well as the general HUD. Note that you are not restricted to optimal locations, and more often then not, placing in only optimal locations will lead to disaster. Experiment with tower locations in order to achieve victory.

I suggest you move to the next tutorial on Tower & Enemy Details. Which will teach you different things you'd best know about the towers your placing. As well as some enemy types, which should help you plan out your defenses. Or jump to one of the other tutorials if you want.

Jump to Tower/Enemy Spec Tutorial?

Jump to Technology Points Tutorial?

Jump to Advanced Tower Tutorial?

Jump to Advanced Techniques Tutorial?

Final Exam (All tutorials must be completed to take the exam)

Jump to technology points tutorial.

Jump to technology points tutorial.

Just a heads up, im building a tech tree for the tutorial, so this may take a while. Also, i have work over the weekend, so i'm trying to get it done before then.

Just a heads up, im building a tech tree for the tutorial, so this may take a while. Also, i have work over the weekend, so i'm trying to get it done before then.

You have such a Liquid Life. It's almost like a King of Blades came up and slashed you to bits.

Tutorial: Technology Points

Hello Player! In this tutorial lesson, we will be covering technology points, aswell as the Technology Tree.

Technology Points as you might have summized, are points you earn to research Technologies. In this case, new towers. Lets have a look at the Tech Tree.

This is the Technology Tree, where you will do your researching. This is also an important tool to learn about your towers. But we'll be covering that in a different tutorial.

There are 9 tree's in total, 1 for each class. Going from Scout, down to Spy.

The Gray Slots are your Stock Towers. Yellow Slots are for every other tower. Orange Slots are for Australium Towers.

For this tutorial, we will focus on the first tree. The Scout.

This is The scouts tree. You may notice the entire tree is not shown, this is because future towers are hidden until adjacent towers are researched. The only tower you may research at this time is the Force-A-Nature Scout Tower. And lucky you! you have a Technology Point!

By researching a tower, its slot glows bright, and the text displays RESEARCHED. You now own this tower, and unlock any towers adjacent to it. Which can then be researched.

Australium Towers Are extremely special. They are generally the same as the weapons they represent, and come with the same stats, the difference is that Australium weapons deal twice as much damage. Making them immediately better then any stock tower.

Explore the Technology Tree throughout your adventures to learn about every tower you can weaponize, but tower details will be presented in a different tutorial, and this one is over. See you in the next one.

Jump to Tower/Enemy Spec Tutorial?

Jump to Advanced Tower Tutorial?

Jump to Advanced Techniques Tutorial?

Final Exam (All tutorials must be completed to take the exam)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 10:50:42 PM by lord techno »

Jump to Tower/Enemy Spec Tutorial

I must say, this is one of your better forum adventures.
Jump to Tower/Enemy Spec Tutorial

Tutorial: Tower/Enemy Spec Tutorial

Hello Player! In this tutorial, you will be shown some of the different towers you can use, as well as different categories of enemy types. This will help you learn what you have and what you face.

As you can see, this defense on frontier is holding off a wave of Soldier Bots. Lets pause this defense to take a look at what is being used.

He is using a Black Box Soldier Tower. This tower gains health every time it attacks an enemy. This makes it an effective counter to a certain type of enemy, which will be revealed shortly.

He is also using a Stock Pyro Tower. While generic, its excellent at close range, and can kill many enemies quickly if positioned well, he has placed it in a good position, so they run into the flames and take maximum damage.

However, despite towers having unique abilities and stats, so do the enemies. Enemy Units come in 5 categories.

Standard. Unique. Anti-Tower. Special. Boss.

Standard Enemies are for all enemies that don't share any special attribute. Their only purpose is to attempt to reach the target alive.

Unique Enemies usually have a special attribute granted by the weapon they use. They follow the same purpose as Standard Enemies, some also carry some Anti-Tower Purposes.

Anti-Tower Enemies serve only one purpose. To destroy your precious towers. Anti-tower enemies are divided into Standard and Pure Subcategories. Standard Anti-Tower enemies follow the purpose of standard enemies, with the ability to attack your towers either out of secondary purpose, or to fulfill a need based on their weapon.

Pure Anti-Tower enemies serve only to ruin your towers by killing them. Spy-bots are specifically restricted to this role. It is important to use special tactics to counteract these enemies. If not dealt with, they can ruin your entire game.

Special Enemies are similar to Unique Enemies, however they come with effects other enemies normally cannot, often making them much harder to kill. Killing a special enemy immediately rewards Technology Points.

Boss Enemies are rare foes, that are EXTREMELY powerful. They fall under 2 subcategories. Standard, and Area.

Standard Bosses will follow the path normally, like any other enemy, some may attack towers. When a Standard Boss reaches the end successfully, one of three things will happen.

Either you will lose the game immediately. You will be debuffed/the enemy will be buffed for the game duration. Or spy-bots will appear behind half of your towers and instantly destroy them. Even bypassing razorback upgrades.

Area bosses are even stronger enemies, that are present in an area, rather then one wave. They will send special enemies at you, along with other normal enemies. And will occasionally be present as an attackable boss. Which is usually immobile, and only serves as a threat to your towers. In the event your towers are destroyed by it, means an instant game over.

Towers can be set to a defense mode, driving their focus away from normal enemies, to any enemies that are anti-tower, this is the only way to counter spy-bots.

Build Menu's will give full detail on towers before you build them, so make sure to give them a good lookover.

You are now familiar with some tower types, aswell as various enemy types, and a few ways to deal with them. Feel free to jump to another tutorial when your ready.

Jump to Advanced Tower Tutorial?

Jump to Advanced Techniques Tutorial?

Final Exam (All tutorials must be completed to take the exam)