Author Topic: Remove green-ish fps counter?  (Read 1139 times)

you have to wait for the tab to show up, the latest geforce experience update did stuff to it

calm the forget down, you dont have to be a little bitch in every thread
while you may perceive that as a "whine gargle", I don't understand why you don't pick up your own post as a "whine gargle".
OP asked a simple question, and you're making fun of his graphics. he wasn't even asking something similiar to "are my graphics ok", no, all he asked was how to get rid of the small FPS counter in the corner of his screen
what you're doing is pretty ridiculous. you may see your post as edgy or some stuff, but to be honest, I find it a richard move
not everyone is as fortunate to buy a big monster PC that a lot of these forum members own, including you.
learn to not be the guy who lays in his cash, mocking unfortunate people.

Could you forget off?
It's just a god damn joke, no need to tell him to piss off to hell

how can i do it with AMD Catalyst Control Center?[/img]
i get it too and its annoying
No idea, never owned an AMD. Your best bet is Google.