
print((CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)).Y)


Author Topic: [THREAD MOVED]  (Read 465430 times)

"i'm not actually good at it i just find people that are new to it and scam them right off their asscheeks"

Holy stuff are you stupid? Where have I said that I scam people? You should draw the line between scamming and closing a deal with someone. Sharking is not scamming. If it were to be scamming, then you might as well call all Fortune 500 companies scammers.

Holy stuff are you stupid? Where have I said that I scam people? You should draw the line between scamming and closing a deal with someone. Sharking is not scamming. If it were to be scamming, then you might as well call all Fortune 500 companies scammers.
call me stupid then say something stupid, nice
let me address some of the reasons why you're scamming and not very bright

1. taking advantage of someone
2. "client" does not receive what was put out there, i.e. lying
3. sharking is not what you think it is

I have already explained the difference between scamming and being honest
directTv scams by raising prices and not honoring their deal, why do you think they have to cover so much ground
uverse offers good service so their clients stay, why do you think they DON'T have to cover so much ground

call me stupid then say something stupid, nice
let me address some of the reasons why you're scamming and not very bright

1. taking advantage of someone
2. "client" does not receive what was put out there, i.e. lying
3. sharking is not what you think it is

I have already explained the difference between scamming and being honest
directTv scams by raising prices and not honoring their deal, why do you think they have to cover so much ground
uverse offers good service so their clients stay, why do you think they DON'T have to cover so much ground

It's not taking advantage of someone, I am trying to get the better end of the deal and I try to convince these individuals that my offer is a great offer, that's all I am saying, and then I leave it up to that person to decide for themselves. You're an idiot if you think that's scamming, that's business.  

The trader receives everything, what are you talking about? In most scenarios, a person sends me a trade, I counter, try to negotiate with the trader and explain to him about my deal being good and throw in some bologna and they decide for themselves if it's good or not, sometimes they accept. That's not my problem, and it is not scamming.

How is DirectTV scamming others? Businesses have no obligation to reveal every bit of detail about their company to the public, if they are that concerned, then they can just call them up. It's not being dishonest if you don't say anything. It's like if you go to a store, and it says "$6.99", and then you check the item out and it is $7.50 because of taxes, that's technically falsely advertising.

Cantaloupe you are a sad excuse for a human being.
like seriously.
it takes a special kind of starfish to scam people out of valuable items just based on the fact they're new to the whole trading scene.

It's not taking advantage of someone, I am trying to get the better end of the deal and I try to convince these individuals that my offer is a great offer, that's all I am saying, and then I leave it up to that person to decide for themselves. You're an idiot if you think that's scamming, that's business.  
you say your deal is good
it is not, and you know this
you even said you lie inb4 no i didn't!
that is scamming

business is giving out BETTER deals then your competitors, thus getting more business
not saying "hey these apples are fresh and worth your money" when they're months old

The trader receives everything, what are you talking about? In most scenarios, a person sends me a trade, I counter, try to negotiate with the trader and explain to him about my deal being good and throw in some bologna and they decide for themselves if it's good or not, sometimes they accept. That's not my problem, and it is not scamming.
see above
he does not receive what you lied about, thus not receiving what the deal was SAID to have

How is DirectTV scamming others? Businesses have no obligation to reveal every bit of detail about their company to the public, if they are that concerned, then they can just call them up. It's not being dishonest if you don't say anything. It's like if you go to a store, and it says "$6.99", and then you check the item out and it is $7.50 because of taxes, that's technically falsely advertising.
directTv makes you sign a contract, which a month after they raised our prices $10 after signing a contract of $60 for the first year
called and asked, they said due to taxes and nothing they could do
mother went back to uverse, directTv called about it, they said "we can figure something out!!"

now you tell me how many lies directTv spewed out
 ofc you'll say something like "ist BUSNESS U DUMBY THYEY DIDNOT SCAM!!!!!" anyways so what does it matter

I also have a funfact
Cantaloupe only builds his games.
He has devs to code for him for no pay.

I also have a funfact
Cantaloupe only builds his games.
He has devs to code for him for no pay.
no that's wrong
he only pays people to make his games

See that door, Cantaloupe? Go through it and never come back.

as far as dictionary.com is concerned, yes, cantaloupe is sharking, especially according to the first and third definitions

for reference, here's scamming according to the same website

See that door, Cantaloupe? Go through it and never come back.

Cantaloupe you are a sad excuse for a human being.
like seriously.
it takes a special kind of starfish to scam people out of valuable items just based on the fact they're new to the whole trading scene.

32k posts dedicated to sharking, wow ok, that's totally acceptable.

Also add me to the OP please.

you say your deal is good
it is not, and you know this
you even said you lie inb4 no i didn't!
that is scamming

business is giving out BETTER deals then your competitors, thus getting more business
not saying "hey these apples are fresh and worth your money" when they're months old
see above
he does not receive what you lied about, thus not receiving what the deal was SAID to have
directTv makes you sign a contract, which a month after they raised our prices $10 after signing a contract of $60 for the first year
called and asked, they said due to taxes and nothing they could do
mother went back to uverse, directTv called about it, they said "we can figure something out!!"

now you tell me how many lies directTv spewed out
 ofc you'll say something like "ist BUSNESS U DUMBY THYEY DIDNOT SCAM!!!!!" anyways so what does it matter

It's an online game you dumbass, if I were to have an actual business in real life, I would not lie to someone if it would result in a client getting sick.
I also have a funfact
Cantaloupe only builds his games.
He has devs to code for him for no pay.

That's not a fact because I do pay whoever works with me, mind your loving business. I'm scraping in 20,000 robux in weekly sales, not you. The good thing is that soon I will be having a game monopoly on roblox. It will be very nice. I'll be the next Loleris, but without firing a dev and not compensating him/her.

32k posts dedicated to sharking, wow ok, that's totally acceptable.

Also add me to the OP please.

Nice Dominus Trashbag, get a real Dominus. I can get at least six of them right now.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 08:47:16 AM by Cantaloupe »

Nice Dominus Trashbag, get a real Dominus. I can get at least six of them right now.
yeah from being a cunt to people who don't know better