
print((CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)).Y)


Author Topic: [THREAD MOVED]  (Read 465796 times)

Miner's Haven is being reviewed probably cause of dr bereza or the unmonitored shouts

of dr bereza or the unmonitored shouts
what is dr bereza
what is an unmonitored shout

what is dr bereza
what is an unmonitored shout
Dr Bereza vending machine was an item that when touched would give cola that played loud music and made the screen flash colours
The game had a shout system for 40 crystals (ingame premium currency) that would display a message to everyone playing but it had no censoring system

a raging soccer mom who had an epileptic child probably reported it to roblox

Hey, remember when everything on Roblox was affordable?


Me neither.

Hey, remember when everything on Roblox was affordable?


Me neither.
i mean
were you here in 2008
you could litterally save up tix and buy actual good hats

i mean
were you here in 2008
you could litterally save up tix and buy actual good hats
I was at Roblox in 2009, but I had no idea what I was doing and I don't remember anything from then.

Alright listen up everyone I need your help
do you see THIS starfish right here:

I need your help whipping his ass
this forgeter can run faster than god damn Usain Bolt and spin quicker than loving bruce lee
I need you to join This game and go into the door marked with the 4 roman numeral and help me mop the floor with his ass

edit: alright I'm stopping for now, maybe later I will return and defeat him
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 03:38:32 AM by Flatflyer »

Even though you left, I still went on.
It's empty, that guy will most likely not return.

Does anybody want to play some tradelands with me and be pirates?


edit: made it up to the 4th stage, stopping for now.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 04:06:48 PM by Flatflyer »