Author Topic: Why is the loading speed the way it is?  (Read 931 times)

I've always wondered why your builds load faster with 2x timescale than if it were 1x. I used to think this was just a myth that people thought following their logic, but I began to see it's actually true.

I wonder then,  why is the loading speed the speed it is? Does Blockland use more memory or something when it's on a faster timescale? How fast can Blockland's loading actually be before people actually start having problems with their computer?

It's possible it's set at the speed it currently is to prevent FPS drop and lag from loading all those bricks in at once, although that speed could most likely be raised at this point.

I'm actually pretty sure it does. Timescale is a function built straight in the torque engine, and it literally affects every aspect of the game. Some things that occur on the same engine tick will be the same speed or faster than normal speed at 0.5x timescale, but actions that happen across multiple ticks will actually take twice the time and not just appear to go slower.

At 2x timescale, your computer will recieve information twice as fast as it did before, then your hardware will render it as fast as it can usually. There will be a point at which your computer can't keep up with it and you'll lag while loading. Regardless, I don't believe there's a way to get the timescale above two anyway, so that's the best it's going to get

i dunno if it's true or not, read the entire topic
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 04:04:51 PM by The Resonte! »

Changing the timescale actually changes the speed of the game's main loop. You can see that even the cursor blinks faster.

If it loads a certain number of bricks per cycle, then the faster the loop the faster it will load.

Loading bricks happens over time to prevent the server from freezing for too long with large builds, as clients would start timing out and disconnecting.

Changing the timescale also speeds up this loading schedule. You can make everything load at once - as long as your computer is fast enough to finish this and send out the first updates to clients before they disconnect.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 04:20:57 PM by Zeblote »

Holy stuff... I thought this was a myth. So this increases loading bricks, and loading, waiting to spawn in?

Would this also decrease the amount of time ghosting takes?

doesn't this basically increase the workload on the computer while it's at it?

doesn't this basically increase the workload on the computer while it's at it?

Yes, it should double calculations per time.

What I want to know is why it takes so ridiculously long to download files

I'm on a fiber-optic network

What I want to know is why it takes so ridiculously long to download files

I'm on a fiber-optic network
Blockland's networking has a maximum speed that is extremely low by today's standards.

Blockland's networking has a maximum speed that is extremely low by today's standards.
This and the lack of IPV6 Support.

As far as I know if you use IPV6 the only way to host is to do it the old way and port forward.
The next Blockland update should be on fixing up the engine's Networking and maybe (I know I am going too far on this but) FastDL support.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 07:00:33 PM by ZERØ »

This and the lack of IPV6 Support.

As far as I know if you use IPVS the only way to host is to do it the old way and port forward.
The next Blockland update should be on fixing up the engine's Networking and maybe (I know I am going too far on this but) FastDL support.

Lack of IPv6 support has nothing to do with the speed though, it's just the packet size and rate limits

It's annoying though how long it takes