Author Topic: Detailed: Kimon derails thread to argue, goes ballistic and embarasses himself  (Read 24704 times)

I'm surprised a loser of this magnitude managed to survive on this forum for so long without people constantly ripping him a new one every reply he makes. Don't argue with him because he has gigantic waste-of-time arguments, just insult him and he can't even touch you. Hey Kimon, forget you. Easy.

kishgal is the baitlord of the blockland forums
kimon wasnt really wrong most people find the use of the word monday deplorable
(brother is a different story)

kishgal is the baitlord of the blockland forums
And in doing so he weeds out all the morons unfit for any kind of task that requires a functional, sane mind.

Kishgal is a bit rude but I like him

kimon just loves to start arguments but he Conducts them so unorderly and they always end bad

Yeah my only problem with kishgal is he goes a little overboard and kinda makes himself look like an starfish at times.

and Kimon just needs to get out of every controversial topic cause all he does is just stirs up stuff in every single controversial topic he enters.
also if he'd stop going "lol memes" all over the place (tumblr megathread cough cough) that'd be nice too.

taboo is actually a giant, sentient butt

Yeah my only problem with kishgal is he goes a little overboard and kinda makes himself look like an starfish at times.

what the hell does that even mean


Also, the thread is starting to deviate from the original topic.