Author Topic: wtf USSR.  (Read 4396 times)

Wow, people are getting smarter everyday...


That's handicapped. The admins are really slow too, I still can't post there yet.

@faceChild: Yes 90% and im in 10%

Look the guy thats impersonating is my schoolmate although we no longer go to school together.
I don't know how many times I told him at school : Seriously dude stop impersonating USSR and start your own clan. You really have no right to start a RTB Ussr.

He had no right to impersonate you, and since im his friend im going to apologize to you. But some of those people that use those forums are nice guys so please don't blame the forums for him hurting you. He hardly uses the forums anway.

since im his friend im going to apologize to you.

i call bullstuff on that!
i think your the "friend" your covering for

noob gtfo the nets

Still waiting for posting privileges. I think this is day 3 now? Terrible site.

Why don't you use someone else's account? I'll let you use mine since I don't really care about it.

Err wtf no I'm not im Destiny even ask SolarFlare....... I'll think you'll find my account on those forums.

sorry guys, ive been really busy. gaming isnt my life, but it is part of it. all accounts have been valiated just as long as u confirmed via email :)

There you go guys, you got your accounts and an apology. Try not to get yourselves banned or be too mean. :cookieMonster:

Qwick everybody get your spears and holy water we're going to hunt the bitch down, oh wait you mean its over? Aww I was going to do some spearing and holy water'in.

Qwick everybody get your spears and holy water we're going to hunt the bitch down, oh wait you mean its over? Aww I was going to do some spearing and holy water'in.
