Author Topic: FALLOUT 4 TRAILER CONFIRMED  (Read 5985 times)

dude they are huge games, of course there will be tons of bugs. Bethesda's games are supported after launch with bug fixes and dlc, just because they dont get all of it (which is rather difficult, even for the modders) that doesn't mean that the game is unfinished


also note that new vegas was in development for less than a year

How long has Fallout: New Vegas been in development? Since before Fallout 3 was released?

Chris Avellone: No, actually. It was like a few months after the release of the last Fallout 3 DLC that Bethesda wanted to start up the next installment in the series. They approached us after that.

that's an absurdly short time for such an expansive open world game, and due to this we were left with an unfinished, buggy game

also note that new vegas was in development for less than a year

How long has Fallout: New Vegas been in development? Since before Fallout 3 was released?

Chris Avellone: No, actually. It was like a few months after the release of the last Fallout 3 DLC that Bethesda wanted to start up the next installment in the series. They approached us after that.

that's an absurdly short time for such an expansive open world game, and due to this we were left with an unfinished, buggy game
Yeah, ill agree with you on this to a point. It WAS finished, but not in the way it should have been. However, that is the exception, not the rule. Furthermore, that game was supported well after launch and was a ton of fun even with a lot of cut content.

Oh yes, because it has a lot of mods it must be unfinished.

Also a lot of bug fixes are redundant and overhauls very rarely have anything to do with fixing a game and generally just offers new ways to play. Regardless, obviously modders will fix a lot of bugs simply due to the fact that there are a lot of modders solely devoted to that. Many employees have other projects and such

Moreover, patches can apply to mods as well so that graphic doesn't actually prove anything.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 09:43:53 PM by Donro98 »

oh yes because it has a lot of mods it must be unfinished.
are you reading at all
those are literally all mods to fix the game

also a lot of bug fixes are redundant

overhauls very rarely have anything to do with fixing a game, and generally just offers new ways to play
moreover, patches can apply to mods as well soooo
they can, but the majority of these are general improvements and fixes

why are you even trying to defend this, everyone knows this about bethesda games

even disregarding the bugs, users still have to fix the stuffty might-as-well-be-turn-based combat system, the numerous balancing issues, the three-choice dialog system, the one sided characters, the forgettable dungeons that all seem to blur together, and the boring and percentage based perk system.

are you reading at all
those are literally all mods to fix the game
they can, but the majority of these are general improvements and fixes

why are you even trying to defend this, everyone knows this about bethesda games
That doesn't mean it was unfinished lmao. Sure, it wasn't as polished as it could have been, but we got finished products.

A lot of bug fixes fix bugs that are fixed by other bug fixes.

Literally nothing on the front page of overhauls is a bug fix overhaul. Literally nothing. Could be wrong, as I just skimmed through but even then it is a minority of bug fix mods. Moreover, the mods were not created to fix bugs.

Bug fixes are obviously bug fixes, but a lot of bugs are fixed by multiple different mods.

Patches also includes things like Climates of Tamriel and Audio Overhaul, neither of which are bug fix mods.

Im not arguing that bethesda games aren't buggy, what I am arguing is that it isn't some cardinal sin, nor is it an indicator of an unfinished game.
even disregarding the bugs, users still have to fix the stuffty might-as-well-be-turn-based combat system, the numerous balancing issues, the three-choice dialog system, the one sided characters, the forgettable dungeons that all seem to blur together, and the boring and percentage based perk system.
Those are not fixes lmao. Those are changes, a fix is a change to something that is broken to make the broken thing work as intended.  

-The combat is no where near turn based

-balancing issues is a concern, though a discussion could be had on whether a single player game needs to be balanced, and many players would not like the game to be balanced.

-three-choice dialog system? Are you talking about the stuffty UI, because if so, I agree.

-One-sided characters, sure the characters aren't as well fleshed out as a more focused games such as dragon age, but there are plenty of interesting characters.

-the forgettable dungeons are only really a problem in oblivion and to an extent FO3. Skyrim and NV did a great job varying up the dungeons.

-boring and percentage based perk system: I agree.

regardless, these aren't fixes lmao
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 09:56:00 PM by Donro98 »

even disregarding the bugs, users still have to fix the stuffty might-as-well-be-turn-based combat system, the numerous balancing issues, the three-choice dialog system, the one sided characters, the forgettable dungeons that all seem to blur together, and the boring and percentage based perk system.
This seems to be a problem of you just not liking the game.

-The combat is no where near turn based

2 handed warrior character runs up to 2 handed warrior bandit NPC

to loosely quote yahtzee: they get into a kicking contest and the one who has the biggest boots going into the fight wins

this is a low quality fighting system.

-balancing issues is a concern, though a discussion could be had on whether a single player game needs to be balanced, and many players would not like the game to be balanced.

balancing as in difficulty, and specifically the levels of difficulty. in novice-legendary, the intelligence of the AI doesn't change. the movement, choices, and positioning of the AI doesn't change. all that changes is that their weapons and armor are more effective, and yours less so.

-three-choice dialog system? Are you talking about the stuffty UI, because if so, I agree.

the three choice dialog system is partially a problem of the UI, but it is also a problem with the three-choice style of the game. for example, in the Dawnguard questline, you can either A: be a vampire that is against Harkon or B: be a vampire hunter that wants to kill all vampires. there is no middle ground in this game; it's just black and white.

-One-sided characters, sure the characters aren't as well fleshed out as a more focused games such as dragon age, but there are plenty of interesting characters.

the characters not being fleshed out is a perfect example of the game not being finished; it shows that they didn't have time to do anything interesting with about 90% of the characters.

This seems to be a problem of you just not liking the game.

it's more of a problem with me not liking the parts of the game they put low effort into.

2 handed warrior character runs up to 2 handed warrior bandit NPC

to loosely quote yahtzee: they get into a kicking contest and the one who has the biggest boots going into the fight wins

this is a low quality fighting system.

balancing as in difficulty, and specifically the levels of difficulty. in novice-legendary, the intelligence of the AI doesn't change. the movement, choices, and positioning of the AI doesn't change. all that changes is that their weapons and armor are more effective, and yours less so.

the three choice dialog system is partially a problem of the UI, but it is also a problem with the three-choice style of the game. for example, in the Dawnguard questline, you can either A: be a vampire that is against Harkon or B: be a vampire hunter that wants to kill all vampires. there is no middle ground in this game; it's just black and white.

the characters not being fleshed out is a perfect example of the game not being finished; it shows that they didn't have time to do anything interesting with about 90% of the characters.

it's more of a problem with me not liking the parts of the game they put low effort into.
low quality does not mean turn based. You can also dodge and stuff, its not a great system, but it isn't turn based lmao.

the balancing issue is a legitimate issue, though it would have taken much more development time.

In the dawnguard you can become a vampire hunter who is a vampire. Sure, it could use more options, but a lot of the characterization is hard to implement as your character constantly has new experiences and is not locked in a dlc area.

Thats not how it works. One-sided characters is not indicative of an unfinished game. Are they supposed to give every character an elaborate backstory? There needs to be useless npcs to give it an illusion of an actual city. Moreover, many characters have backstories if you look around. A lot of useless npcs have events that characterize them, you just have to be there to witness them. Radiant quests also helps this.

It is very hard to make a game as big as Skyrim and have every part super polished. Especially since mods will almost always improve some part of the game, making some people think that that means the game was unfinished.

silicon means it's turn based in the sense that between a melee player (who can't block) and a single melee enemy (who can't block) the game inevitably boils down to 'hit the other guy, then get hit while you're still following through your swing, then hit the other guy while he's following through his swing, then get hit while you're following through your swing...'

like one that's playing the game wrong- even if the combat system is shallow you're not even attempting to use the depth given to you, how about using a bash or stepping back to forget up the target's rhythm once in a while

godDAMMIT i wish i had the resources to make an open world thing. ive played so much fo3 and new vegas and skyrim and new vegas and oblivion and new vegas that i could write a forgetin book on how i'd run things

Maybe now they'll finally add sprint.

Maybe now they'll finally add sprint.
But then nobody would use the walk feature!

i can't even get myself to play new vegas because it was really boring lol

i can't even get myself to play new vegas because it was really boring lol
Maybe you should actually start the game instead of staring at the CD-case.

Maybe you should actually start the game instead of staring at the CD-case.
i've dug 5 hours into the game and even modding the thing didn't make it any more enjoyable.