
Poll is finished. Quest to Save Kompressor will be a "test game" before I do QFTA.

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Author Topic: BLOODLUST [Quest to Save Kompressor: Soon.]  (Read 125028 times)

BLOODLUST has finally finished it's run after 154 pages. From a random morning on June 8 to near the end of summer vacation on July 29, it was a blast. Quest to Save Kompressor will be next.

A little interactive adventure based on managing your bloodlust and generally doing whatever you want in an alternate universe where America has completely gone to stuff. Corporations get away with everything, Police forces get slaps on the wrist for murdering minorities, everyone is paranoid of terrorists and communists to the point where it negatively impacts their lives(witch hunts, for example), and so on.

The BLOODLUST meter acts somewhat similar to a Sanity Meter.
0-29% Bloodlust: Completely sane and nonviolent. You appear normal. Kills and nonlethal takedowns are swift and merciful.

30-49% Bloodlust: Mostly sane. Kills and nonlethal takedowns are swift and slightly violent yet still merciful.

50-69% Bloodlust: Somewhat sane. Kills/Takedowns are violent and less merciful. The speed at which kills/takedowns are executed gets slowed down slightly. You are visibly shaken.

70-89% Bloodlust: Very little sanity, and it is very visible. Kills are noticeably slow and violent. Nonlethal takedowns are painful. You appear limp and livid. Other people are suspicious of you. For example, civilians will question what happened to you, gangsters will verbally warn you to stay back, and cops may bring you in for questioning.

90-99% Bloodlust: Insane. You sport a visibly deranged appearance with a psychotic grin full of teeth and eyes wide to go along with it. Civilians will panic at the sight of you and the chances of them calling the police is higher, cops will try to arrest you, and gangsters may shoot you on sight out of fear. Kills are ultraviolent and even slower, and takedowns may involve crippling limbs.

100% Bloodlust: Completely insane, and it is impossible not to notice. Kills are very drawn out, and this leaves you extremely vulnerable to being attacked. Nonlethal takedowns involve you beating someone to an inch of their life. Unarmed civilians panic and immediately call the police, armed civilians and gangsters will shoot you on sight, and the cops will do whatever it takes to stop you.

The higher your bloodlust, the more the chance of accidentally killing someone during a nonlethal takedown.

Bloodlust is increased by violent actions(killing people, attacking them, etc) and decreased over time or by doing "Pacifist" actions (knocking people out or incapacitating them, most nonviolent actions).

Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement will focus on arresting you and will only fire on you if it means preserving other lives(Ex. human shields)

Police Officers use pepper spray, tasers, batons, and dogs for less than lethal force.
SWAT Teams use flashbangs, shotgun tasers(they exist), beanbag rounds or any other "less than lethal" ammo, armored vehicles with water hoses, and tear gas.
FBI Agents may be called in for assaulting strongholds, aircraft hijackings, hostage rescue, or if SWAT has failed.
The National Guard can be called in if the situation gets too extreme(terrorism, riots that even SWAT can't handle, massacring too many SWAT teams, etc). National Guard troops are called as a last resort and will shoot on sight.

Your grand adventure starts here as you step outside the door of your house. You've got errands to run and a violent nature to control. You move to your car when a paperboy on a bicycle throws a newspaper at your front door, but misses and accidentally hits you in the face instead. Enraged by being hit in the face with a newspaper. +5 Bloodlust.

"Sorry about that!" The paperboy shouts as he rides around throwing newspapers at other houses. You have the feeling that the day can only get worse from here.

Nearby places of interest: Nextdoor neighbor's house and the rich starfish who lives across the street from you. You see his golden statues of himself mocking you.

Nearby things of interest: Your car, paperboy, road, neighbor's car, Rich Neighbor's statue(fragile).

Errands to run
Get groceries
Mail something at the Post Office
Return library book before its overdue in the afternoon

Car Keys
Bag of Marbles

Wanted Level: Not wanted.
Bloodlust: 5%
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 07:57:57 PM by tber123 »

Well we can't let that book we need to return be overdue! Get in the car and go to the library.

Well we can't let that book we need to return be overdue! Get in the car and go to the library.

Well we can't let that book we need to return be overdue! Get in the car and go to the library.

You ju-- just said the same exact thing Legodude77 said, anyways.

I guess that we should attempt to calm down after that incident with the paperboy, whilst we are in the car, we count to 4, inhale and count to 4 again, exhale in order to calm thyself down.

Run your errands first.
Then drive your car into a parking lot and park peacefully
Then get groceries
Then go home and speaks a nap
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 01:57:35 PM by Space1255 »

You ju-- just said the same exact thing Legodude77 said, anyways.

I guess that we should attempt to calm down after that incident with the paperboy, whilst we are in the car, we count to 4, inhale and count to 4 again, exhale in order to calm thyself down.

The paperboy speeds off after you assure him its no problem. You enter your car and inhale slowly. -2 Bloodlust.

Run your errands first.
Then drive your car into a parking lot and park peacefully
Then get groceries
Then go home and speaks a nap
Well we can't let that book we need to return be overdue! Get in the car and go to the library.

You can't let the library book get overdue, so you drive to the library and...

...There is a massive car pileup blocking the short way to the library.  Your car also has low fuel.

Nearby buildings
Gas Station
Fast Food Resturant
Grocery store
Corporate Building
Izzy's Palace Nightclub

Errands to run
Get groceries
Mail something at the Post Office
Return library book before its overdue in the afternoon

Car Keys
Bag of Marbles

Wanted Level: Not wanted.
Bloodlust: 3%

realise you hate humanity
your genocide crusade begins here

Well we can't let that book we need to return be overdue! Get in the car and go to the library.


just go get some gas, then park your car in the gas station's parking place then take your book and use sidewalks & crosswalks to get to the library

Park your car somewhere and walk to the library.

go get gas, shake hands with the gas station attendant, start to feel unwell

go get gas, shake hands with the gas station attendant, start to feel unwell

go inside a tv, greet a hollow teddy bear, beat the stuff out of people with an actual loving japanese god and then go on with your day like nothing happened.

go inside a tv, greet a hollow teddy bear, beat the stuff out of people with an actual loving japanese god and then go on with your day like nothing happened.
establish bonds with random people to collect more gods so you can beat the stuff out of people, once you've established an unbreakable bond with someone don't talk to them ever again.

Tried to implement most of these as best as I could.

go get gas, shake hands with the gas station attendant, start to feel unwell

You park your car and shake hands with the attendant. You feel slightly unwell for some reason. +1 bloodlust

walk to the library.

You prepare to walk to the library when suddenly an explosion goes off by the car pileup. The masses erupt into screams and flee away from the area, but a group of onlookers with a morbid curiosity gather to stare at the destruction. The gas station is completely abandoned except for you now, since everyone either fled the area or ran off to stare at the aftermath of the explosion.

go inside a tv, greet a hollow teddy bear, beat the stuff out of people with an actual loving japanese god and then go on with your day like nothing happened.
establish bonds with random people to collect more gods so you can beat the stuff out of people, once you've established an unbreakable bond with someone don't talk to them ever again.

Theres no tv inside the gas station.

realise you hate humanity
your genocide crusade begins here

Suddenly, the realization hits you. You absolutely hate humanity. These guys deserve to get blown up, anyways. They're all---


Another explosion interrupts your train of thought. The car pileup explodes again. "loving terrorists!" You hear someone shout in anguished rage as he cradles his dead son.

Area Overview that took 5 seconds to draw in MS Paint

Nearby buildings/Interesting Locations
Gas Station (Empty, can be looted for stuffs and giggles)
Fast Food Resturant
Grocery store
Corporate Building
Izzy's Palace Nightclub
Where the cars just exploded

Errands to run
Get groceries
Mail something at the Post Office
Return library book before its overdue in the afternoon

Car Keys
Bag of Marbles
Overdue Book

Vehicle Status: Full gas

Wanted Level: Not wanted.
Bloodlust: 4%
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 04:45:09 PM by tber123 »

Forage for money and food in the gas station.