
Poll is finished. Quest to Save Kompressor will be a "test game" before I do QFTA.

High Rollers Its like "Pass or Fail" or "Blockade Blasters'. Multiple players allowed.
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Post Apocalyptic Alcoholism Find a source of alcohol in a nuclear wasteland.
The Eve Of Version 21 As Version 21 looms over the horizion, one thought crosses your mind: How will you spend your last few days in Version 20?
Liberal Crime Squad:BLF Edition Liberal Crime Squad adapted into a forum adventure. Defeat the Conservative Crime Squad, kidnap and brainwash people, and drop terrible pickup lines.

Author Topic: BLOODLUST [Quest to Save Kompressor: Soon.]  (Read 113790 times)

Start talking like a Therapist and give him Choclate and make him feel better and after this you explain to him that hes in America and that he killed some Murderous Protesters and rescued your life

(Should be doable to some degree right?)

oh well lets try to reason with this guy, if he is the one who does the first shot it shouldnt really make our bloodlust worse if we defend ourselves, right?
explain to him that hes in America and that he killed some Murderous Protesters and rescued your life

(Should be doable to some degree right?)

"Stand down, soldier! The war is over, and you wouldn't fire on your commanding officer, would you? I'm giving you a Medal of Honor and a honorable discharge. You can go home now." You bluff.

"M-Me? M-Medal of Honor......." Private Jingo begins. A few seconds pass.

And then he launches into a bloody rage. "BULLstuff! THATS POSTHUMOUS! I-I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO DESERVE THAT! You won't trick me any longer, middle eastern scum!" He raises his rifle and aims between your eyes.

Offer him some Snickers (or chocolate bar, not sure if same thing).
Run like hell

You drop a chocolate bar on the ground near him. He ravenously lunges towards it and devours it while you run past him. A crowd has formed in front of the burning Library, and you see a police officer run up to Private Jingo, taser him, and drag his spasming body into the car.

BOSS DEFEATED NONLETHALLY: -20% Bloodlust! Your bloodlust level is now Normal.

Current Location: Square with the Library and Grocery Store
(Note:Unfinished map of the city, not the final version as everything is just lumped together)

All thats left to do is finish the rest of your errands. Where to?

Errands to run
Get groceries
Mail something at the Post Office

Ghandi Book
Car Keys
Remington 870(4/6 pellets, no extra shells for reloading in your inventory)
Glock (9 rounds, no extra 9mm magazines for reloading are avalible)
Bag of Marbles
Chocolate bar x3
Water Bottle

Wanted Level: Not wanted.
Bloodlust: 19%(Normal)
Vehicle Gas: Full

Let's go get some groceries, what's on our list?

Let's go get some groceries, what's on our list?
While we're checking out, let's tell our mom and dad that we love them dearly and wish them to have a nice day.

jerk off in a bathroom to relieve stress

While we're checking out, let's tell our mom and dad that we love them dearly and wish them to have a nice day.

Your parents already know that, but the reminder is reassuring to them. -2% Bloodlust
Let's go get some groceries, what's on our list?

Milk, sausages, and a can of beans. What could go wrong? You drive to the grocery store.

jerk off in a bathroom to relieve stress

Someone else enters the grocery store bathroom, enters one of the multiple stalls, and hears what you're doing before running out of the bathrooms screaming something about the Devil.

You exit the bathroom a few minutes later ready to shop, but you still have the feeling that your day can only get worse. Your suspicions are confirmed when you notice that the entire grocery store is empty and devoid of life. It seems that people evacuated in a mass panic AGAIN, just like at the library. Carts are overturned, shelves are knocked over, and theres dropped bags everywhere.

Errands to run
Get groceries (Milk, Sausages, Can of Beans)
Mail something at the Post Office

Ghandi Book
Car Keys
Remington 870(4/6 pellets, no extra shells for reloading in your inventory)
Glock (9 rounds, no extra 9mm magazines for reloading are avalible)
Bag of Marbles
Chocolate bar x3
Water Bottle

Wanted Level: Not wanted.
Bloodlust: 17%(Normal)
Vehicle Gas: Full
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 01:03:06 AM by tber123 »

Throw the pencil somewhere where you can see it but stay hidden, there could be someone/something wanting to do things with you

grab what you need without paying, while cautiously holding your pistol

Start reading Gandhi's teachings while staying hidden.

Throw the pencil somewhere where you can see it but stay hidden, there could be someone/something wanting to do things with you

You throw the pencil out into the open. Nobody seems to draw near.

Start reading Gandhi's teachings while staying hidden.

-5% Bloodlust.

grab what you need without paying, while cautiously holding your pistol

Everything seems to go well. You move around silently constantly scanning around you, pistol in hand. No danger comes to you, but you constantly find bodies of people riddled with bullets. The corpse of a nearby police officer catches your attention. You manage to grab ammo for your pistol and shotgun off his corpse.

You open the door to the grocery store and discover that it is heavily raining, and a severe thunderstorm is raging. The fact that its raining at all is startling, since the state you live in has been plagued by a severe drought for a few years straight.

Where to now?

Current Location: Square with Library and Grocery Store
Weather Effect: Severe Thunderstorm(lowered visibility when driving, chance of car accidents and being mugged)

Errands to run
Mail something at the Post Office

Ghandi Book
Car Keys
Remington 870(4/6 pellets, 6 shells left)

Glock (9/17 rounds, 2 mags left)
Bag of Marbles
Chocolate bar x3
Water Bottle
Can of Beans

Wanted Level: Not wanted.
Bloodlust: 12%(Normal)
Vehicle Gas: Full

go home. people are forgetin dead and that mail can wait

Walk outside and try to find a passerby who can direct you to the post office.

report the dead officer but leave no evidence of you taking the ammo

or just return it before they come

and then attend his funeral

go home. people are forgetin dead and that mail can wait